Hunter Biden’s trial has been ongoing, and on Day 6, closing arguments were made by both the prosecution and the defense. Assistant special counsel Leo Wise emphasized that the accusations against Biden were based on his own choices, including lying on a federal form to purchase a gun despite knowing he was addicted to drugs. Defense attorney David Kendall argued that the government’s case was based on insinuations and conjecture, and questioned the credibility of witnesses who had received immunity. Lowell also criticized prosecutors for their treatment of Biden’s daughter, Naomi, during cross-examination.

During the trial, FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen testified about new text messages and location data from Biden’s cellphone, which showed him at or near a 7-Eleven around the time of the gun purchase. The defense suggested that Biden was avoiding his sister-in-law and former romantic partner, Hallie Biden, when he texted her about waiting for someone named “Mookie” at the 7-Eleven. Prosecutors revealed contradictory evidence in the form of 42 text messages, videos, and other data that they had uncovered over the weekend. This included messages where Biden was arranging to meet someone named “Junior” at a 7-Eleven after purchasing the gun.

The trial culminated in closing statements from both sides, with the prosecution arguing that Biden made a conscious choice to buy a gun despite his drug addiction and lied on a federal form to pass a background check. The defense countered these arguments by emphasizing the importance of reasonable doubt and questioning the credibility of witnesses who had been promised immunity by the government. During the trial, Biden chose not to testify in his own defense, potentially avoiding damaging cross-examination that could have jeopardized his case.

As the jury prepared to deliberate, they were reminded by the judge that evidence should be based solely on testimony and facts presented during the trial, not influenced by outside factors. Biden was supported by his family members, including his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, and his uncle James Biden, throughout the proceedings. The jury deliberated but did not reach a verdict and planned to resume their discussions the following morning. The trial highlighted the complexities of the legal system, including the importance of evidence and credibility in determining guilt or innocence in a criminal case.

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