July brings with it the heat of summer and the intricate energy of Cancer season. This month, both Saturn and Neptune are retrograding in Pisces, leading to feelings of heavy responsibilities and existential crises. Jupiter, in Gemini, encourages clear and honest communication, enabling us to connect deeply with others and ourselves. Astrologer Elise Wells highlights the importance of expanding definitions of relationships and embracing wonder in the month ahead.

For Aries, Wells suggests embracing their double fire energy to overcome past wounds and move towards resolution. Taurus is advised to embrace surprises and radical changes brought by Mars and Uranus moving through their sign. Gemini, with Jupiter in their sign, is encouraged to focus on communication and dialogue to reap rewards. Cancer should expect unexpected gifts and growth opportunities in their season, while Leo will shine with Mercury and Venus supporting their dramatic flair.

Virgos are advised to seek ancestral guidance and untangle lost loves to start anew with a fresh perspective. Libras should focus on strengthening relationships without losing their individuality, while Scorpios are encouraged to find their place in a sustainable community. Sagittarians are reminded that conversations can be healing, leading to deep transformation. Capricorns should focus on finding balance and being curious rather than cautious to find what they need.

Aquarians are encouraged to look back and dig deep for buried treasure as Pluto retrogrades in their sign, fueling their journey to the future. Pisces are prompted to embrace structured healing and deep exploration as Saturn sits in their sign. Overall, the month of July promises growth, transformation, and opportunities for deeper connections and understanding in all aspects of life.

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