Julia Morris opened up about her divorce from British comedian Dan Thomas in a recent interview, hinting at the acrimonious nature of their split after 16 years of marriage. She explained that while there is more to the story, she wants to protect her ex and their two daughters by not sharing all the details. Morris joked about her long career in show business and how criticizing others often results in backlash from the universe.

During the interview, Morris described her marriage breakdown as “super sad” and admitted to seeing her husband as a “pest” as their relationship deteriorated. Despite the challenges, she was determined to set a positive example for her daughters by not settling for an unhappy relationship. Morris emphasized the importance of not living in a way that is not fulfilling and serving as a role model for her children.

The TV star also discussed learning to manage household chores and tasks that her husband used to take care of, such as handling finances and navigating the internet. She mentioned having to learn how to download school permission slips and other office-related tasks that she had not dealt with before. Morris highlighted her commitment to self-improvement and adapting to new responsibilities as a single parent.

In previous interviews, Morris had hinted at the possibility of a breakup with her husband, expressing concerns about not growing in the same direction. She acknowledged that the relationship had been on shaky ground for some time before officially announcing their divorce in 2022. Despite the challenges, Morris remained focused on creating a healthy and positive environment for her daughters while navigating the complexities of separating from her husband.

During the interview, Morris avoided delving into the specifics of her divorce, despite being pressed by the hosts of the show. She emphasized her desire to maintain privacy and respect for her ex-husband and children by not sharing all the details of the breakup. Morris’ commitment to protecting her family’s privacy while still addressing the challenges of divorce reflects her thoughtful and considerate approach to a difficult situation.

Overall, Julia Morris’ candid interview shed light on the complexities of divorce and the challenges of navigating a high-profile breakup. Despite the acrimonious nature of the split, Morris remains focused on creating a positive environment for her daughters and setting a strong example for them. Her openness about the difficulties she faced and her commitment to personal growth and self-improvement demonstrate her resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

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