The federal judge overseeing the bribery case against Sen. Bob Menendez has ruled against allowing a psychiatrist to testify about a condition that defense attorneys claim could explain the large amounts of cash found in the senator’s home during a raid. Despite this ruling, the trial is set to begin with jury selection already underway. Menendez is accused of taking bribes, including gold bars, cash, and a luxury car, while acting as an agent of a foreign government. He is standing trial alongside two co-defendants, while his wife will be tried separately. All four individuals have pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The defense had wanted Dr. Karen Rosenbaum to testify that Menendez suffered from a condition stemming from trauma caused by his family’s property being confiscated in Cuba and his father’s suicide, leading to a fear of scarcity. This, they claimed, resulted in Menendez developing a habit of storing cash in his home as a coping mechanism. However, the judge found significant deficiencies in the defense’s request for expert testimony, calling it impermissible hearsay. Despite Menendez’s own explanation of withdrawing cash for over 30 years due to his family’s Cuban past, the judge did not find the psychiatric testimony admissible.

The trial will proceed with prosecutors presenting their case first, followed by the defense team’s arguments. Menendez faces serious charges of receiving bribes while acting as a government agent, and the prosecution will be seeking to prove his guilt. The defense will have the opportunity to present their side of the story and argue against the charges brought against the senator and his co-defendants. The outcome of the trial will depend on the evidence presented and the arguments made by both parties.

Menendez’s legal team had hoped to introduce expert testimony to help explain the senator’s behavior regarding the cash found in his home. However, the judge’s ruling against allowing this testimony means that the defense will need to rely on other strategies to defend Menendez against the bribery charges. The trial is expected to be closely watched due to the high-profile nature of the case, with potential implications for Menendez’s political career and reputation. The defense will need to present a compelling case to counter the prosecution’s allegations and secure a favorable outcome for Menendez and his co-defendants.

The trial of Sen. Bob Menendez and his co-defendants is set to begin with the jury selection process already underway. Despite the defense team’s efforts to introduce expert testimony to explain the presence of cash in Menendez’s home, the judge has ruled against allowing this testimony. Menendez faces serious bribery charges, and both the prosecution and defense will present their cases in court. The outcome of the trial will depend on the evidence presented and the arguments made by both sides. The trial is expected to draw significant attention due to the high-profile nature of the case and its potential impact on Menendez’s political career. The defense will need to put forth a strong case to secure a favorable outcome for the senator and his co-defendants.

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