In a recent federal court hearing in San Francisco, U.S. District Judge James Donato indicated that he will be ordering major changes to Google’s Android app store, the Play Store, following a jury’s declaration that it is an illegal monopoly. The judge’s forthcoming shake-up is expected to include a mandate requiring the Play Store to offer consumers a choice to download alternative app stores. Google has been under scrutiny for its nearly exclusive control over app distribution and billing systems on Android phones, generating billions of dollars in revenue for the company.

Despite Google’s protests regarding potential security risks from third-party app stores, Judge Donato emphasized the need for a major overhaul of the Play Store, regardless of the challenges and costs it may pose for the company. Google attorney Glenn Pomerantz was informed by the judge that barriers will be torn down and changes will be implemented. The judge expressed a commitment to dismantling the mountain of bad conduct that has allowed Google’s monopoly status to thrive, signaling a significant transformation in the Android app marketplace.

The judge is aiming to issue an order outlining the framework for the changes to the Play Store in the coming weeks, potentially before the Labor Day weekend. This decision comes as Google faces a series of remedy hearings in an even larger antitrust case involving its search engine. In the Play Store case, Judge Donato is considering the timeline for Google to make the necessary adjustments and how long the imposed restraints should last. Google is requesting 12 to 16 months to ensure a smooth transition, while Epic Games, the plaintiff in the lawsuit, believes the changes could be made in approximately three months at a much lower cost.

Epic Games has proposed a six-year term for any order issued by Judge Donato, but the judge indicated that he is leaning towards a shorter duration, potentially five years. Google, on the other hand, is advocating for the order to expire after one or two years. The judge reassured Google that he does not intend to micromanage its business but rather aims to foster a competitive environment for app stores. Donato emphasized the importance of creating a landscape where multiple app stores can flourish, signaling a potentially significant shift in the mobile app market. The judge’s decision is expected to have far-reaching implications for both Google and the wider tech industry.

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