A former Minnesota college student, Waylon Kurts, was charged with serious charges including conspiracy to commit second-degree assault, conspiracy to commit threats of violence, making terroristic threats, and conspiracy to commit theft. Prosecutors believed he was planning a mass casualty event. However, Rice County Judge Christine Long dismissed two of the felony counts against Kurts due to lack of evidence showing that he was conspiring with anyone to commit assault or threats of violence. Kurts maintains that he is a recreational firearms enthusiast and was only exchanging text messages about firearms with a friend.

Kurts was arrested after a custodian found two empty packages for gun magazines outside his dorm room. Police found a tactical vest, empty ammunition boxes, extended magazines, smoke grenade packages, and other tactical gear in his room as well. They also found a hand-drawn floorplan of a campus athletic facility, but no guns or ammunition were ever found. Judge Long ruled that there is enough evidence to proceed to trial on the terroristic threats charge and a misdemeanor conspiracy to commit theft charge related to notebook writings about stealing ammunition from Walmart.

The surviving terroristic threats charge is based on the prosecution’s argument that Kurts made an indirect threat by leaving empty high-capacity magazine boxes in the trash where they could be seen by college staff and students, as well as stockpiling tactical gear and firearm parts at the school. Kurts has pleaded not guilty and is free on bail. Further proceedings have not been scheduled at this time. The judge’s decision to dismiss some of the most serious charges against him has caused a stir in the case, with prosecutors and law enforcement officials believing that he was potentially planning a campus shooting.

Kurts and his friend spent a significant amount of time discussing firearms, firearm builds, performance of certain builds, and purchasing parts for firearms. However, there is no evidence that they communicated about threats or plans to engage in threats of violence or second-degree assault. The judge’s ruling raises questions about the strength of the case against Kurts and whether there was enough evidence to support the initial charges brought against him. The case has drawn attention to the issue of campus safety and the potential threats posed by individuals with access to firearms and tactical gear.

Despite the dismissal of some of the charges, Kurts still faces the terroristic threats charge and a misdemeanor conspiracy to commit theft charge. Prosecutors believe that he posed a threat by stockpiling gear and leaving empty gun magazine boxes in a visible location, causing fear among college staff and students. The case highlights the challenges of prosecuting individuals suspected of planning violent acts and raises questions about the factors that should be considered when determining the severity of potential threats. The outcome of Kurts’ trial will be closely watched by legal experts, law enforcement officials, and those concerned about campus safety.

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