A federal judge in New Jersey has decided that Senator Bob Menendez and his wife Nadine Menendez will face bribery charges in two separate trials. Nadine Menendez’s trial will be delayed while she undergoes surgery for a medical condition. Senator Menendez’s trial is scheduled to begin on May 6 as originally planned, while Nadine Menendez’s trial is tentatively set to start on July 8. The judge stated that the trial will proceed without Mrs. Menendez, meaning that the government will have to try the case twice.

Nadine Menendez’s attorneys informed the judge earlier in the week that she has a serious medical condition that requires surgery within the next four to six weeks. The government did not object to the request to delay the trial and suggested holding it in July or August. Prosecutors argued against splitting the case, stating that Nadine Menendez faces charges in all of the counts that Senator Menendez is charged with, except one. They believe trying the case twice would be inefficient and result in presenting the same case twice, along with logistical challenges.

Senator Menendez, his wife, and three New Jersey businessmen have been charged in a bribery scheme. They are accused of accepting cash, gold bars, and other gifts in exchange for business and legal favors. The couple is alleged to have conspired to use Senator Menendez’s power as the head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to benefit the Egyptian and Qatari governments, as well as the businessmen charged with them. All defendants have pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Senator Menendez also faces accusations of working as an unregistered foreign agent. He and his wife are also charged with obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice. Despite calls from some within his own party, like Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, Menendez has refused to resign from the U.S. Senate. The 70-year-old senator has been in office since 2006.

In conclusion, a federal judge in New Jersey has decided to split the bribery trial of Senator Bob Menendez and his wife Nadine Menendez into two separate trials. Nadine Menendez’s trial will be delayed due to her medical condition, while Senator Menendez’s trial will proceed as planned. The couple is accused of accepting bribes in exchange for business and legal favors, with Senator Menendez also facing accusations of working as an unregistered foreign agent. Despite calls for his resignation, Senator Menendez has chosen to remain in the U.S. Senate and maintains his innocence.

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