U.S. Senator Bob Menendez and his wife will be tried separately on accusations of participating in a bribery scheme, as ruled by a federal judge on Thursday. Nadine Menendez’s trial has been tentatively moved to July 8 due to her serious medical condition that requires surgery in the next four to six weeks. The New Jersey Democrat’s trial will proceed on May 6 in Manhattan federal court without his wife’s involvement, in order to provide stability and certainty to all parties involved, according to Judge Sidney Stein.

Nadine Menendez’s lawyers argued for the separation of the trials, stating that she needs more time for testing to understand the nature of her medical condition. However, the senator’s lawyer urged the judge not to delay his client’s trial, asserting their right to a speedy trial and emphasizing the impact of the allegations on Menendez’s ability to run for reelection this year. Prosecutors also argued against the separate trials, claiming it would result in inefficiencies and unfairness, requiring multiple witnesses to be recalled if Nadine Menendez’s trial is severed from her husband’s.

Despite the motions to dismiss the case outright and to transfer the trial, both of which were denied by Judge Stein, the trial is expected to last four to six weeks and remain in Manhattan. The Menendezes and two businessmen have pleaded not guilty to the charges of participating in a bribery scheme, allegedly involving the exchange of cash and gold bars for political favors carried out by the senator. Bob Menendez formerly chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, resigning from the position in September due to the allegations. A third businessman, Jose Uribe, has pleaded guilty to bribery charges and agreed to testify against the others at trial, stating that he conspired with Nadine Menendez to provide her with a Mercedes-Benz in return for access to her husband’s power and influence.

Prosecutors have alleged that in exchange for the bribes, Menendez assisted one of the businessmen in obtaining a lucrative meat-certification deal with Egypt, as well as securing a deal with a Qatari investment fund for another associate. Despite the challenges and complexities surrounding the trial, the case will move forward with separate trials for the senator and his wife, as they face the legal proceedings over the bribery scheme allegations. The trial is expected to shed light on the extent of the alleged corruption and the impact it may have had on the couple’s political influence and actions. As the legal battle continues, the Menendezes and the businessmen involved will face scrutiny over their alleged involvement in the bribery scheme and their actions in exchange for political favors.

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