Judge Judy Sheindlin expressed her strong disapproval of progressive district attorneys who she believes are ruining major cities like New York by enacting soft-on-crime policies. She stated that these district attorneys are not aware of what their job entails and should find another profession, like selling ice cream, rather than ruining cities. She criticized the impact of such lenient policies on public safety and the overall well-being of cities, citing instances of recent daylight attacks on strangers, including the assault of actor Steve Buscemi.

Judge Judy attributed the current state of affairs to a vocal minority that rewards bad behavior and punishes victims within the criminal justice system. She argued that prosecutors are too sympathetic towards suspects and overlook their crimes by providing reasons or excuses for their actions, such as lack of parental involvement, mental health issues, or substance abuse. However, she reiterated that there is never a valid excuse for engaging in criminal behavior and that society’s leniency towards offenders leads to its downfall.

Furthermore, Judge Judy criticized New York’s decision in 2019 to raise the minimum age at which a suspect can be tried as an adult to 18, deeming it “ridiculous.” She argued that criminals who commit serious offenses, regardless of age, should be held accountable for their actions and not be treated with leniency due to their youth. She highlighted the detrimental impact of such policies on public safety and the ineffective handling of criminal behavior.

The NYPD has been grappling with a surge in violence post-pandemic, with overall major crimes remaining steady compared to the previous year but increasing by over 34% since 2018. Judge Judy expressed her concern for society’s future and stressed the necessity for intelligence and understanding in addressing crime issues. She reflected on her past warnings about the worsening state of affairs and emphasized the urgency of implementing smarter strategies before irreparable harm is done to society.

Judge Judy also condemned the shift towards making excuses for criminal behavior and undermining accountability for one’s actions. She criticized the trend of society reacting to criminal acts based on justifications rather than holding individuals responsible for their conduct. She highlighted the importance of maintaining law and order, upholding justice, and ensuring public safety in cities by enforcing strict policies that deter criminal behavior.

In conclusion, Judge Judy reiterated her stance against lenient district attorneys, maintaining that they are contributing to the deteriorating state of major cities like New York. She emphasized the need for a more proactive approach to addressing crime issues, holding offenders accountable for their actions, and implementing strict policies that prioritize public safety. Despite the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies, Judge Judy remains hopeful for society’s future while advocating for greater intelligence and foresight in dealing with crime-related problems.

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