The upcoming film Challengers, directed by Luca Guadagnino and starring Zendaya, Mike Faist, and Josh O’Connor, has been generating a lot of buzz. The story follows Tashi, a former tennis prodigy turned coach who is coaching her husband Art as he prepares to compete against Patrick, her ex-boyfriend and Patrick’s former best friend. With the release date set for April 26, the stars of the film have already started their press tour, showcasing their red carpet style and setting the stage for the drama that is to come in the film.

During the press tour for Challengers, Josh O’Connor has been garnering attention for his unique take on menswear. With outfits styled by Harry Lambert, who also works with Emma Corrin and Harry Styles, O’Connor has been making waves with his fashion choices. The actor has been seen sporting a variety of looks, all from the luxury brand Loewe, which he is also a face for. His wardrobe for the film strikes a perfect balance between casual and dressy, showcasing his fashion-forward style and setting him apart as a rising fashion star.

O’Connor’s fashion choices have been a highlight of the Challengers press tour, with his ability to put a unique stamp on classic menswear staples such as suits and coats. Lambert’s expert styling has helped to elevate O’Connor’s red carpet looks, solidifying his status as a fashion star on the rise. The actor’s collaboration with the luxury brand Loewe has resulted in a wardrobe that perfectly complements his role in the film and showcases his personal style in a sophisticated and modern way.

As a face for the brand Loewe, O’Connor has been able to showcase his fashion-forward style both on and off the red carpet during the promotion of Challengers. The actor’s partnership with stylist Harry Lambert has resulted in a wardrobe that seamlessly blends casual and dressy pieces, allowing O’Connor to experiment with different looks and showcase his personal style. With the film set to release soon, O’Connor’s fashion choices are sure to continue making headlines and solidifying his status as a rising fashion star in the industry.

With the release of Challengers just around the corner, the stars of the film, including Josh O’Connor, Zendaya, and Mike Faist, have been making waves on the press tour. O’Connor’s fashion choices, in particular, have been drawing attention, with his ability to put a unique spin on classic menswear staples and showcase his personal style in a sophisticated and modern way. With the guidance of stylist Harry Lambert and a partnership with the luxury brand Loewe, O’Connor has been able to create a wardrobe that perfectly complements his role in the film and sets him apart as a rising fashion star in the industry.

As the anticipation for Challengers continues to build, fans and fashion enthusiasts alike will be eagerly awaiting the film’s release on April 26. With a star-studded cast and a storyline full of drama, the film promises to be a must-watch. And with Josh O’Connor’s fashion-forward style and his collaboration with stylist Harry Lambert and the brand Loewe, the actor is sure to continue making waves both on and off the red carpet, solidifying his status as a rising star in both the film and fashion industries.

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