Angelina Jolie’s father, Jon Voigt, has reignited their longstanding family feud by claiming that her views on the conflict between Israel and Palestine have been influenced by anti-Semitic people. Voigt made these comments during an interview with Variety, where he accused Jolie of being exposed to propaganda on the issue. Their tumultuous relationship has seen moments of reconciliation, but also many turbulent episodes that have led to estrangement.

Voigt’s controversial comments came less than a month after he publicly expressed pride in Jolie and their granddaughter Vivienne for their success at the 2024 Tony Awards. The mother-daughter duo won accolades for producing the musical “The Outsiders.” Despite their strained relationship, Voigt has praised Jolie’s efforts to encourage their children to pursue their passions. Jolie and her ex-husband Brad Pitt share six children together, adding another layer of complexity to their family dynamic.

Jolie and Voigt have had a tense relationship for most of her life, with periods of contact and estrangement. Despite playing father and daughter in the film “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” in 2001, their interactions have been sporadic. Voigt has openly criticized Jolie’s stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict, accusing her of spreading lies and misunderstanding the situation. In response to Jolie’s accusations against Israel, Voigt defended the country’s actions and called on his daughter to reconsider her perspective.

The family drama reached a public display when Pitt encountered Jolie’s family, including Voigt and her brother James Haven, at a gallery exhibition in Beverly Hills. The awkward encounter highlighted the ongoing tension between Pitt and his ex-wife’s relatives, suggesting that the family rift extends beyond Jolie and Voigt’s relationship. Despite these public conflicts, Voigt has continued to express admiration for Jolie’s talents and accomplishments, particularly in her work with refugees.

Jolie’s role as a former special envoy for the UN High Commission for Refugees has further complicated her relationship with Voigt, especially in light of their differing views on political issues. Voigt’s impassioned defense of Israel and criticism of Jolie’s perspective have widened the gap between them. Voigt’s social media posts have underscored his unwavering support for Israel and condemnation of Hamas, while calling on Jolie to reconsider her position.

The ongoing feud between Angelina Jolie and Jon Voigt reveals the complexities and challenges of maintaining a family relationship amid differing political and personal beliefs. Despite moments of reconciliation and expressions of pride, their deep-rooted disagreements on key issues have fueled their ongoing conflict. As they navigate their public personas and personal dynamics, Jolie and Voigt continue to grapple with their shared history and the impact it has on their relationship.

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