Johor’s Islamic Religious Department has announced plans to increase surveillance over alleged deviant teachings in the area following an attack on a police station in Johor Bahru that left two cops dead and one injured. The department has set up a special committee to monitor the spread of deviant teachings, with decisions being reviewed by the Johor State Islamic Religious Council. The public is assured that every report will be investigated before determining if the teachings are deviationist.

The area of Ulu Tiram will be closely monitored, but attention will not be reduced in other locations. The attack, which occurred at 2.45 am on a Friday, involved a 21-year-old man who fatally stabbed a police officer and engaged in a firefight with other officers, resulting in another officer’s death. The suspect, who was fatally shot, was found to be a member of JI based on items found in his bag and texts on the walls of his house. Authorities later determined that he acted alone, with no connection to JI or involvement in terrorism.

Deputy Works Minister Ahmad Maslan advised against speculation regarding the attack, emphasizing the importance of not scaring away investments and tourists from the area. He stressed the need to trust enforcement agencies in carrying out investigations. Ahmad, who is a UMNO supreme council member, warned against making statements that could worsen the situation. His remarks came after the launch of the Construction Industry Development Board’s Digital Construction Competency Skill Centre.

The victims of the fatal attack were identified as Constable Ahmad Azza Fahmi and Constable Muhamad Syafiq Ahmad Said, both of whom lost their lives. Another officer, Mohd Hasif Roslan, was injured but is in stable condition. Constable Ahmad Azza was laid to rest with a large turnout at his funeral procession, while the Pahang state government has pledged financial support for the family of Constable Muhamad Syafiq. Police have arrested five family members of the suspect, along with two others, all of whom are remanded to assist with the investigation.

In the wake of the attack, authorities are intensifying efforts to ensure the safety and security of the area. Surveillance over alleged deviant teachings will be increased, with a special committee monitoring the spread of such teachings. Despite the tragic incident, it has been confirmed that the suspect acted alone and was not connected to any terrorist groups. Deputy Works Minister Ahmad Maslan has urged the public to refrain from speculating and trust in the ongoing investigations. The victims of the attack have been identified, and support has been offered to their families. Arrests have been made in connection with the incident, as efforts continue to unravel the circumstances surrounding the attack.

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