House Speaker Mike Johnson is facing a decisive week as he navigates the threats to his speakership and pressure to take action on aid to Ukraine. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been vocal against Johnson’s pursuit of a Ukraine aid package, while Johnson works behind the scenes to develop a legislation that could garner enough Democratic support. A primary challenge for Johnson is the need for Democratic votes to pass aid packages and the potential complications of attaching conditions to aid for Israel.

Constructing a package that can appeal to both parties may require breaking it into pieces, but even that could face challenges in the Senate. Johnson is expected to focus on reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act this week, but internal party conflicts may arise and once again put Johnson at odds with members of the right flank. The House will also address issues such as impeachment articles against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and recovery efforts following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.

The motion to remove Speaker Johnson, instigated by Greene in March following conservative discontent over his handling of government funding, still needs to be brought to the floor for a vote. The House will have to address the issue within two legislative days if the vote is triggered, setting up a potential showdown with the speakership in question. The threat of ousting Johnson mirrors a similar challenge faced by GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz against then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy last year, highlighting the divisions within the House GOP conference.

The House will send two articles of impeachment against Mayorkas to the Senate this week, with expectations that the Democratic-led Senate will swiftly dismiss the case. The impeachment revolves around Republican dissatisfaction with Mayorkas’ management of the southern border, which Democrats have criticized as a political stunt lacking a valid basis. Senators are expected to be sworn in as jurors on Thursday, with a potential motion to dismiss the case put forth by Democrats and some Republicans.

Lawmakers returning to Washington will need to address the recovery efforts after the Baltimore bridge collapse and the reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by April 19. The Maryland congressional delegation seeks to emphasize the importance of congressional action in supporting recovery efforts. As the deadline for FISA reauthorization approaches, House Republicans are divided on the issue, resulting in pressure on Speaker Johnson to find a compromise within his party. The controversial surveillance law involves collecting communications records of foreign persons overseas to safeguard national security, but has faced scrutiny for potential misuse and threats to Americans’ privacy.

The ongoing challenges faced by Speaker Johnson underscore the complex dynamics within Congress, from addressing aid packages for Ukraine and Israel, to impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas and rebuilding efforts after the Baltimore bridge collapse. Internal divisions within the Republican Party add further pressure on Johnson’s speakership, reminiscent of past challenges faced by his predecessor. Congress will confront a series of contentious issues this week, with key decisions to be made on the future of the speakership, aid packages, impeachment proceedings, recovery efforts, and controversial surveillance laws.

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