After a meeting with Japan’s prime minister, Speaker Johnson discussed Ukraine aid with congressional leaders, despite facing resistance from ultraconservatives in his party, including Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. Johnson remains determined to assist Ukraine, even as some Republicans suggest structuring the aid as a loan rather than a gift. Former President Trump also voiced support for this idea during a meeting with Johnson at Mar-a-Lago. Johnson is considering combining the Ukraine aid package with policies favored by conservative Republicans in order to win their support.

Johnson’s challenge is to build a coalition of mainstream Republicans and Democrats willing to support the Senate-passed bill for Ukraine aid. Some liberal lawmakers oppose sending more aid to Israel, while Republicans are wary of approving additional assistance for Kyiv. Johnson is under pressure from both sides, facing threats of ousting from Greene if he moves forward with the aid package without concessions on border security. He also faced backlash from ultraconservatives for breaking with tradition and voting against a proposal to require warrants for searches under a surveillance program.

Despite the challenges, Johnson remains focused on finding a solution for Ukraine aid, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. He is exploring various options suggested by his colleagues, while also considering the political dynamics at play. Democrats are reluctant to support unfettered military aid for Israel given the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, while Republicans are divided on providing more assistance to Ukraine. Johnson is working to reach a consensus on the aid package and build a coalition that can pass the necessary legislation. Time is of the essence, and Johnson is aware of the need for swift action on the issue.

The discussions around Ukraine aid have highlighted divisions within the Republican Party, with some members advocating for a loan-based structure for the aid and others expressing concerns about the impact on their constituents. Johnson’s efforts to navigate these dynamics while balancing the interests of different factions in his party are a testament to the challenges of bipartisan policymaking. As the clock ticks on the urgent need for assistance to Ukraine, Johnson is faced with the task of bringing together a diverse group of lawmakers to support the aid package and address the complex issues at hand.

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