In Decatur, Georgia, a large bronze statue of the late civil rights icon leader and Georgia congressman John Lewis was installed in the town square where a contentious confederate monument stood for more than 110 years before it was dismantled in 2020. The 12-foot-tall statue was carefully placed by work crews as internationally acclaimed sculptor Basil Watson oversaw the process. Lewis was known for his role in the Civil Rights Movement and often urged others to get into “good trouble” for important causes, making the installation of the statue symbolic of replacing a divisive monument with one representing positive change.

The stone obelisk that once stood in the town square was erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1908 and was a source of controversy, particularly following the deadly 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Groups like the Beacon Hill Black Alliance for Human Rights and Hate Free Decatur had been advocating for the removal of the monument since then, and the decision was finally made to dismantle it in 2020 after it became a focal point for protests over police brutality and racial injustice. The city of Decatur requested that a Georgia judge order the removal of the monument, citing concerns for public safety as it had been repeatedly vandalized and marked with graffiti.

The statue of John Lewis represents a significant shift in the town square’s landscape, embodying the values of equality and civil rights that Lewis stood for throughout his life. Known for his commitment to nonviolent protest and his impassioned speeches calling for change, Lewis was a prominent figure in the fight for racial equality in America. The statue’s installation reflects a broader movement to remove symbols of the confederacy and replace them with representations of leaders and figures who advanced the cause of civil rights and social justice.

The unveiling of the statue is scheduled for August 24, marking a historic moment for Decatur and honoring the legacy of John Lewis in a tangible and visible way. The event is expected to draw attention from across the community and beyond, celebrating the positive impact that Lewis had on the civil rights movement and inspiring future generations to continue the fight for equality. The statue serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for justice and the importance of honoring those who dedicated their lives to creating a more equitable society for all.

The presence of the statue in the town square will serve as a lasting tribute to John Lewis and his contributions to the advancement of civil rights in America. By replacing a symbol of the confederacy with a representation of a civil rights leader, Decatur is sending a powerful message about the values it prioritizes and the history it chooses to commemorate. The statue’s installation is a significant step in recognizing and acknowledging the injustices of the past while also celebrating the progress that has been made in the ongoing fight for equality and social justice.

Overall, the installation of the statue of John Lewis in Decatur represents a symbolic victory for those who have long advocated for the removal of confederate monuments and the recognition of civil rights leaders. The statue’s placement in the town square is a bold statement of the town’s commitment to promoting racial equality and honoring the legacy of individuals like Lewis who dedicated their lives to the pursuit of justice. As the statue is unveiled and becomes a permanent fixture in the town square, it will serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of continuing to work towards a more just and inclusive society.

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