Joey Fatone is currently touring with Backstreet Boys singer AJ McLean and is enjoying reliving his boy band days while on the road. The duo’s setlist includes hits from *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, and other popular songs from the ’90s and 2000s. Fans eagerly await news of a possible *NSYNC reunion, with Fatone revealing that discussions are ongoing among the band members about potential new music, a tour, or both.

While on tour, Fatone reveals some of his on-the-road essentials that he always packs. He mentions that he has been wearing a lot of pink on stage and loves his pink Powerpuff Girl sneakers from Nike. In addition, he carries a pair of chopsticks in his backpack at all times, a habit he picked up after a memorable trip to Taiwan. Fatone also emphasizes the importance of carrying his blood pressure pills and clean underwear, the latter of which he gets from a company that sells underwear featuring Bob Ross designs.

One of Fatone’s favorite gadgets on tour is the Oculus, which he uses to watch movies, play games, and entertain himself in the hotel. He also raves about a device that he recently acquired, which helps to open up his vocal cords with saline and saltwater, making it a game-changer for his pre-performance routine. These essential items help Fatone stay comfortable and prepared while on the road, allowing him to give his best performances every night.

When asked about a potential *NSYNC reunion, Fatone reveals that while plans are still in the works, he is optimistic that fans will eventually get to see the band reunite in some way. He discusses ongoing conversations with his former bandmates on what form the reunion could take, whether it’s new music, a tour, or a combination of both. While nothing is set in stone yet, Fatone is confident that once a decision is made, everyone will be informed.

Fans looking to shop like Joey Fatone can find some of his favorite on-the-road essentials online. From comfortable and stylish sneakers to innovative vocal warmup devices, Fatone’s must-haves reflect his practical and quirky personality. With a mix of fashion, tech gadgets, and health-related items, Fatone’s picks are a glimpse into the life of a busy touring musician who values both comfort and functionality while on the road.

Overall, Joey Fatone’s Six Picks offer fans a closer look at his personal style and essential items that he relies on while touring with AJ McLean. From fashion choices like pink sneakers to practical items like chopsticks and blood pressure pills, Fatone’s shopping recommendations cater to those looking to add a touch of celebrity flair to their everyday lives. As the possibility of an *NSYNC reunion looms on the horizon, fans eagerly anticipate more news from the beloved boy band and its members, including Fatone’s future plans in music and entertainment.

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