Legendary actor Joel Grey, who won a Tony and an Oscar for his role in “Cabaret,” celebrated his 92nd birthday at a recent preview performance of the musical on Broadway. He was joined by his daughter, actress Jennifer Grey, who flew in from Los Angeles to surprise him. During the curtain call, Eddie Redmayne, who plays the lead in the show, brought Joel Grey onstage and led the audience, including celebrities like Candice Bergen, Agnes Gund, Brooke Shields, and Anderson Cooper, in singing “Happy Birthday” to him.

Among the other notable guests in attendance were Jane Krakowski, David Rockwell, Molly Ringwald, Gina Gershon, artist Ross Bleckner, and Maude Apatow. The show’s original composer John Kander, director Rebecca Frecknall, and designer Tom Scutt were also present. Following the performance, there was a lively reception in the “KitKat Club” Green Bar at the August Wilson Theatre where Joel Grey was seen embracing Eddie Redmayne and expressing his confidence in Redmayne’s ability to take on the iconic role.

The spy revealed that Joel Grey had given Redmayne a hug and reassured him that he was leaving the role of the Emcee in capable hands. Redmayne stars alongside Gayle Rankin as Sally Bowles in the Broadway production, which previously ran in London’s West End with Redmayne and Jessie Buckley, winning seven Olivier Awards. “Cabaret” originally premiered on Broadway in 1966 with Joel Grey in the lead role, followed by a movie adaptation in 1972 starring Liza Minnelli.

Overall, the evening was a star-studded affair with celebrities and industry insiders coming together to celebrate Joel Grey’s birthday and commend Eddie Redmayne on his performance in the Broadway revival of “Cabaret.” With Grey’s endorsement and support, Redmayne seems poised for success in his portrayal of the Emcee, a role that Grey himself has made famous. The musical continues to captivate audiences with its timeless story and iconic characters, ensuring its enduring legacy in the world of theater.

As Redmayne takes on this challenging role, he follows in the footsteps of Joel Grey and other talented actors who have brought the character of the Emcee to life on stage. With the support of Grey and the rest of the cast and creative team, Redmayne is well-equipped to make his mark in this iconic production. As the show prepares for its official opening, audiences and critics alike eagerly anticipate the magic and excitement that “Cabaret” brings to the stage, reaffirming its status as a classic in the world of musical theater.

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