President Joe Biden is facing criticism after reports surfaced that he might not attend a peace summit for Ukraine next month. The president plans to skip the discussions hosted by Switzerland to attend a campaign event in Los Angeles on June 15, featuring former President Barack Obama, Jimmy Kimmel, George Clooney, and Julia Roberts. While Bloomberg reported this information, Newsweek could not independently verify and reached out to the White House for comment.

Biden’s decision to potentially miss the peace summit due to a fundraiser in California is receiving backlash as he approaches the November election. The president has been a strong supporter of Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February 2022 but is now shifting focus to his reelection efforts. Preliminary polling shows a tight race between Biden and former President Donald Trump. Online users, including academics and advocacy groups, have expressed disappointment in Biden potentially missing the summit for a fundraising event, which could undermine Ukraine’s position in the war and future negotiations.

Over 70 countries have signed up to attend the peace summit hosted by Switzerland to develop a common understanding of a path towards a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. The Swiss government is aiming to persuade additional countries to join the talks, including China, a key ally of Russia. President Viola Amherd stated that the goal of the meeting is to promote peace while upholding Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Despite efforts to involve various stakeholders, Russia was not invited to the summit, and Kremlin officials dismissed it as a hoax.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has not confirmed if President Biden plans to attend the peace summit, but he emphasized that the US government has been involved in preparations for the event. Sullivan highlighted the importance of promoting a vision of peace for Ukraine that aligns with the principles of the UN Charter. While the decision regarding Biden’s attendance remains uncertain, there is ongoing diplomatic engagement to advance peace negotiations in the region.

The potential clash in President Biden’s schedule, where he may prioritize a fundraising event over a peace summit for Ukraine, reflects the challenges faced by leaders balancing domestic political demands with international diplomatic responsibilities. The controversy surrounding Biden’s decision underscores the complexity of managing competing priorities in a global context. As the situation evolves, stakeholders are closely monitoring developments to determine the implications for Ukraine’s peace process and international relations. The outcome of Biden’s decision will be scrutinized in the context of US foreign policy and electoral considerations.

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