President Joe Biden announced that the United States assisted Israel in intercepting “nearly all” of the drones and missiles launched by Iran during an attack on Saturday. The Israel Defense Forces reported that Iran had fired over 200 drones and missiles, with the majority being intercepted. The attack included bomb-carrying drones followed by cruise and ballistic missiles, resulting in damage to at least one IDF base and injuries to civilians. This attack came after Iran’s consulate in Syria was destroyed earlier in the month, prompting threats of retaliation.

Biden condemned the attacks on Israel and reaffirmed the U.S.’s support for its ally, Israel. He stated that U.S. forces had moved aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region to assist in defending Israel from Iran’s aerial threats. The president emphasized the skill of U.S. servicemembers in helping Israel intercept the incoming drones and missiles. Biden also spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reiterate Washington’s commitment to Israel’s security. Additionally, the president planned to meet with other G7 leaders to coordinate a diplomatic response to Iran’s aggression.

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, vowed to punish Israel in response to the attack on their embassy in Syria. A letter from Iranian Ambassador to the U.N. informed U.N. leadership of Iran’s military strikes on Israeli military objectives as a response to the killing of Iranian military personnel in Damascus. The letter cited Iran’s right to self-defense under the U.N. Charter, indicating that the attack was a justified retaliation. Tensions between Israel and Iran have escalated since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, with both countries accusing Iran of supporting militant groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

The conflict between Israel, Iran, and militant groups like Hamas has led to a significant loss of life and heightened tensions in the region. The U.S. has been actively supporting Israel in its defense against Iran’s aggression, deploying military assets to assist in intercepting drones and missiles. The ongoing conflict raises concerns about the potential for further violence and the need for coordinated international responses to de-escalate the situation. The U.S. and Israel have accused Iran of providing both political and material support to militant groups, exacerbating the conflict and posing a threat to regional stability. The situation remains fluid, and efforts are being made to address the root causes of the tensions between these countries.

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