On June 6, 2024, Joe Biden attended the commemorations of the D-Day at the American cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer in France. The event began with a warm round of applause for the veterans, even before the arrival of the heads of state and government to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day in 1944. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was notably welcomed with his wife by the Macron couple, highlighting the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Prior to Biden’s arrival, attendees exchanged words at the site where allied troops landed to push back the Nazi occupiers.

The international commemoration of the D-Day took place on Omaha Beach in Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer, Calvados, on June 6. The event was solemn and emotional, reflecting on the past while acknowledging the current challenges faced by the world. The beach was surrounded by imposing warships on the horizon, with a significant security presence of 43,000 agents deployed. The road between Caen and the coast was closed to traffic to prevent congestion, but the atmosphere was spring-like and relatively light-hearted.

During the morning ceremonies, French President Emmanuel Macron was represented by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal at the ceremony co-organized with Canada and attended by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Macron focused on paying tribute to American soldiers with Biden in Colleville-sur-Mer and to British soldiers in Ver-sur-Mer with King Charles III in full uniform. The British monarch praised the warmth and generosity shown by the Normans to veterans, despite the Allied bombardments that targeted cities like Saint-Lô and Caen to weaken German occupation forces. Many houses in Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer were decorated with Allied colors.

Throughout the day, the sacrifices of veterans from various allied countries, especially the United States, were deeply honored. At Omaha Beach, a choir sang songs and the European anthem. Actor Lambert Wilson addressed the diverse audience in French and English, including officials, royalty, and military personnel from many nations, as well as the general public. Letters from the frontlines were read aloud, including a letter written by an American D-Day veteran to his family in 1944. Emmanuel Macron emphasized the need to honor the courage of those who landed on the beach and awarded three American veterans the Legion of Honor.

The day’s events also highlighted the need to support and stand with Ukraine during its conflict with Russia. The importance of solidarity among allies in the face of global challenges was emphasized, with a call to remember and honor the sacrifices of those who fought for freedom during the D-Day landings. The ceremonies served as a reminder of the historic significance of the D-Day anniversary and the ongoing importance of upholding the values of freedom, democracy, and peace. As the world continues to face new challenges, the lessons and legacy of D-Day remain relevant and inspiring.

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