Zeitouna, a group of six Jewish and six Palestinian women in Michigan, have been meeting twice a month for more than two years. The group’s name means olive tree in Arabic, and their motto is “refusing to be enemies.” Despite the tensions of Oct. 7 and the subsequent war, the women have remained committed to each other and have found a safe space to share their pain. Wadad Abed, one of the group’s members, expressed the importance of having a place where everyone is accepted with open arms.

Diane Blumson, another member of Zeitouna, highlighted the importance of recognizing the trauma of others in a humanitarian way. The group’s message of unity and understanding extends beyond their meetings to college campuses, where polarization between different cultures has become increasingly pronounced. The Arab-Jewish Alliance, established by two students at the University of Michigan, aims to foster better relationships between Arab and Jewish students on campus. The group seeks to counter the dehumanizing rhetoric that often arises following events like Oct. 7.

Students like Welly Altaii have joined organizations like the Arab-Jewish Alliance to engage with people from different cultural backgrounds. Altaii expressed a desire to interact with individuals on the other side in order to build connections and break down barriers. Another student mentioned that seeing longstanding groups like Zeitouna reassures them that friendships can endure and last forever. The students involved in these initiatives embody the mission of groups like Zeitouna, which has spent decades working towards building a better world based on mutual understanding and respect for all human beings.

Irene Butter, a Holocaust survivor and member of Zeitouna, emphasized that all human beings are the same, and understanding this fundamental truth can help in creating a better world. The group’s commitment to embracing diversity and fostering relationships between individuals from different backgrounds serves as a powerful example for others. Through their efforts, Zeitouna and similar groups inspire hope for a future where people can come together, despite their differences, to create a more peaceful and compassionate world. Their dedication to bridging divides and promoting unity offers a beacon of light in times of conflict and uncertainty.

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