Jessica Madsen, who plays Cressida Cowper in Bridgerton, has shared that she receives interesting DMs from viewers who express their dislike for her character. Despite the negative messages, she sees it as a sign that she has done her job well, and sometimes responds with a playful “You’re welcome.” Madsen does not take the comments personally and appreciates the positive feedback she receives from fans of the show.

In Bridgerton season 3, Cressida Cowper has been involved in various dramatic storylines, including forming an unexpected friendship with Eloise Bridgerton. Madsen believes that viewers are beginning to see a different side of Cressida, beyond the typical “mean girl” persona. She explains that the character’s mask is starting to come off, revealing her true self and the reasons behind her behavior. Madsen is excited for viewers to witness this development in Cressida’s character.

Bridgerton newcomer Victor Alli has joined the cast as John Stirling, a new suitor for Francesca Bridgerton. Alli enjoyed working with Hannah Dodd, who plays Francesca, and praised her acting skills. He explained that they collaborated closely on their scenes, sharing ideas and discussing their characters’ motivations and the overall story. Alli found the experience of working with Dodd to be a pleasure and a learning opportunity.

The first part of Bridgerton season 3 is currently available for streaming on Netflix, with the second part set to premiere on June 13th. Fans can continue to follow the romantic and dramatic adventures of the Bridgerton family and their peers in the Regency-era London setting. The addition of new characters like John Stirling and the evolving storyline of Cressida Cowper promise to keep viewers engaged and entertained throughout the season.

Actress Jessica Madsen remains unfazed by the negative feedback she receives about her character, Cressida Cowper, in Bridgerton. While some viewers express their dislike for Cressida, Madsen sees it as a testament to her performance and does not let it affect her personally. She values the connection with fans who appreciate the show and the opportunity to delve deeper into the complexities of her character.

Overall, the cast and crew of Bridgerton season 3 are excited to continue telling engaging and captivating stories set in the lavish world of high society in early 19th-century London. New characters like John Stirling bring fresh dynamics to the established relationships within the show, offering viewers a chance to explore different romances and alliances. As the series progresses, viewers can look forward to more intrigue, scandal, and romance in the ever-enticing world of Bridgerton.

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