Jennifer Connelly won her first and only Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the 2001 film A Beautiful Mind. She described the overwhelming sense of panic she felt accepting the award, recalling feeling nervous and shocked as she looked out at the audience full of extraordinary people and saw the countdown timer telling her how long she had to speak. Connelly reminisced about feeling like she was floating and gliding through the evening, with her father by her side to support her during the momentous occasion.

Aside from the Oscar win, Connelly also met her husband, Paul Bettany, while filming A Beautiful Mind. The couple did not spend much time together on set until the end of the movie when they had a chance encounter in Princeton. However, both were in relationships with other people at the time, so nothing happened between them. It wasn’t until after 9/11, when they had both ended their respective relationships, that Bettany became obsessed with trying to reach Connelly to check if she was okay. This led to their reconnection and eventual marriage within the year.

At the time of meeting Bettany, Connelly was living in the West Village with her son. After reconnecting following 9/11, the couple decided to get married and have been together for 21 years. Connelly shared the story of how Bettany was in Italy and couldn’t stop trying to reach her to make sure she was alright, leading to them realizing that they needed to see each other and get back together. The couple’s relationship has stood the test of time, with their love story beginning on the set of A Beautiful Mind and continuing to grow throughout the years.

The Drew Barrymore Show recently featured Jennifer Connelly as a guest, where she recounted her Oscar win and the story of meeting and marrying Paul Bettany. Connelly shared her memories of the nervousness and shock she felt accepting the award, as well as the special moment she shared with her father on that unforgettable night. Despite the initial constraints of their respective relationships when they first met, Connelly and Bettany’s love story blossomed into a long-lasting marriage filled with love and support for each other.

Connelly’s appearance on The Drew Barrymore Show provided fans with a glimpse into her personal life and the love story that began on the set of A Beautiful Mind. The actress reflected on the unique circumstances that brought her and Bettany together, from their initial meeting in Princeton to their eventual reconnection and marriage after 9/11. Their enduring relationship serves as a reminder of the power of love and fate, as they continue to support each other through life’s ups and downs, celebrating 21 years of marriage together.

The Drew Barrymore Show airs on weekdays on CBS, offering viewers the chance to hear more heartwarming stories like Jennifer Connelly’s tale of love and success. Connelly’s journey from winning an Oscar to meeting her future husband and building a life together is an inspiring story that showcases the unexpected twists and turns that life can take, leading to beautiful and lasting relationships that stand the test of time. Connelly’s time on the show provided a glimpse into her personal life and career, giving fans a deeper insight into the woman behind the award-winning actress.

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