Jenna Ortega, known for her roles in Netflix’s Wednesday and Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, has been making waves on the red carpet with her bold fashion choices. From her Thom Browne Victoriana look at the 2023 Met Gala to the ’90s Versace leather dress she wore to the SAG Awards, Ortega has solidified herself as a style icon to watch. While she doesn’t take method dressing to the extreme, her moody aesthetic with a romantic twist has been a standout feature of her red carpet looks.

For the Mexico stop of the Beetlejuice promo tour, Ortega wore a nude tulle gown from Vivienne Westwood’s spring 2009 collection, embellished with black Latex detailing. This vintage Westwood choice was a fitting tribute to Ortega’s rising status in Hollywood and solidified her place among the greats. Working with stylist Enrique Melendez since she was 14, Ortega continues to push the boundaries of fashion and showcase her unique style on the red carpet.

As the Beetlejuice promo tour continues, fans eagerly anticipate what Ortega will wear next. With her stylist by her side, there is no doubt that Ortega will continue to surprise and delight with her fashion choices. Speculation arises whether Ortega might borrow an archival gem from co-star Winona Ryder’s wardrobe for a future red carpet appearance, adding another level of excitement to her fashion journey.

Ortega’s ability to effortlessly blend classic glamour with edgy, modern elements has set her apart as a fashion force to be reckoned with. Whether it’s a vintage gown from Vivienne Westwood or a more contemporary, daring look, Ortega’s style choices consistently turn heads and make a statement on the red carpet. With each appearance, Ortega solidifies her place as a rising star in Hollywood both onscreen and in the world of fashion.

Ortega’s dedication to fashion and willingness to take risks has endeared her to fans and critics alike. Her ability to balance classic elegance with modern trends showcases her versatility and gives her a unique edge in the world of celebrity fashion. With the support of her stylist and a keen eye for design, Ortega continues to push boundaries and challenge expectations, cementing her status as a style icon to watch in the industry.

In conclusion, Jenna Ortega’s fashion journey is one of creativity, bold choices, and a knack for blending classic and modern styles. With each red carpet appearance, Ortega showcases her unique fashion sense and cements her status as a rising star in Hollywood. Fans can’t wait to see what she wears next and how she continues to push the boundaries of fashion with her daring and innovative choices. Jenna Ortega is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with in the world of celebrity fashion, and her future looks are sure to captivate audiences and inspire fashion enthusiasts around the world.

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