Jess Robson, managing director of data analytics company Access Analytic, indulges his passion for adventure sports travel by rock climbing in the northern Perth Hills. Despite his busy schedule training professionals around the world, Robson finds time to climb at Mountain Quarry in Boya on weekends. The area’s cliffs played a significant role in the development of many Perth landmarks, adding to the thrill of the climbing experience. Robson also enjoys indoor climbing at Adrenaline Vault in Belmont during the week, where he stays in top climbing shape and connects with the climbing community as Secretary of the Climbers’ Association of WA.

In addition to his love of climbing, Robson also appreciates the diverse offerings at the State Buildings in Perth. He frequents the various restaurants and amenities, including Petition Kitchen, Wine Merchant, Wildflower, Sue Lewis chocolates, Mello House, and Fox and Rabbit. The beautifully restored heritage buildings provide a welcoming atmosphere for Robson, who considers the State Buildings his second home. Whether he is dining with clients, going on a date, or spending time with his Mum, Robson always enjoys his experiences at the State Buildings.

One of Robson’s favorite annual events in Perth is the Fringe Festival, which he considers the most wonderful time of the year. The festival coincides with his birthday and transforms the city into a vibrant hub of creativity and artistic expression. From theatre and comedy to music and dance, the Fringe Festival showcases a diverse array of talent from Perth and around the world, creating a unique and unpredictable adventure for attendees. Robson appreciates the festival’s eccentricity and lack of pretense, aligning with the open-mindedness and joy of travel that he promotes in his book, “The Travelling Trainer.”

Robson enjoys the spontaneity and charm of the Fringe Festival, even when he is left wondering about the acts he has seen. He believes that the festival’s imperfections add to its overall charm, allowing attendees to have a great time at a fraction of the cost. With each passing year, the Fringe Festival continues to evolve and offer new experiences, keeping Perth alive and buzzing with excitement. Robson appreciates how the festival brings people of all ages together, creating a sense of community and comfort in the streets of Northbridge, even after dark.

Overall, Jess Robson’s love for adventure, climbing, and exploring the diverse offerings in Perth shines through in his experiences at the State Buildings, the Fringe Festival, and his favorite climbing spots. By combining his passion for travel and adventure sports with his work in data analytics, Robson leads a fulfilling and balanced life in the coastal capital of Perth. His dedication to promoting a sense of community and exploration aligns with his roles as Secretary of the Climbers’ Association of WA and ambassador for Opportunity International Australia, reflecting his commitment to both personal growth and social impact.

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