“The Newsroom,” an Emmy-winning HBO drama that aired for three seasons from 2012-2014, focused on the behind the scenes drama at the fictional Atlantis Cable News (ACN) led by anchor Will McAvoy, played by Jeff Daniels. However, Daniels shared in a recent interview that the show likely wouldn’t have been able to keep up with the pace of the Trump presidency. With the fast-moving news cycle, Daniels explained that they were always months behind major events like the Boston Marathon bombing, which they were filming in November when it had occurred in March. The constant coverage of Trump’s presidency with something new happening every 15 minutes would have made it difficult for the show to keep up.
Daniels, who earned a Golden Globe nomination in 2012 and an Emmy win in 2013 for his role on “The Newsroom,” currently stars in the Prime Video show “American Rust: Broken Justice.” He reflected on how shows like “House of Cards” and “Veep” ended around the time of Trump’s presidency, as it became difficult to outdo the real-life drama unfolding in politics. Daniels commented on how the Trump presidency was a show in itself that couldn’t be topped with its unpredictability. Despite Trump’s return to the spotlight, Daniels dismissed rumors of a third “Dumb and Dumber” movie, stating that there has been no discussion of a sequel with his co-star Jim Carrey and the Farrelly brothers.
Living away from the Hollywood scene in Michigan, Daniels mentioned that he keeps his Emmy award in his office, a reminder of his past accomplishments. Reflecting on the challenges of portraying such a fast-paced news environment on “The Newsroom,” Daniels highlighted the difficulty in staying current with real-life events while portraying fictional news stories on television. With the ever-changing landscape of politics and news, it would have been a tough task for the show to remain relevant amidst the constant stream of breaking news.
Daniels praised Aaron Sorkin, the creator of “The Newsroom,” for his work on the show but acknowledged that the decision to end it after three seasons was likely due in part to the inability to keep up with the rapidly changing events. Comparing the fast-paced drama of the show to the unpredictability of the Trump presidency, Daniels noted that the real-life political landscape at the time was more dramatic and challenging to portray than anything scripted. Despite the show’s conclusion, Daniels appreciated the experience and the recognition he received for his work on “The Newsroom,” setting it apart as a unique and memorable chapter in his acting career. Moving forward, Daniels continues to pursue new projects, including his role in “American Rust: Broken Justice,” as he navigates the ever-evolving entertainment industry.