A journalist has been suspended from the airwaves by Franceinfo for secretly collaborating on a political book for a party leader without disclosing it to his listeners. The director of Franceinfo, Jean-Philippe Baille, met with journalist Jean-François Achilli to remind him of the rules of Radio France, which state that any external collaboration must be reported to and approved by the hierarchy. Failure to comply with these rules can result in professional misconduct. Achilli denied any conflict of interest or collusion with Jordan Bardella and his party, the Rassemblement National (RN).

The issue with Achilli’s case was brought up in the National Assembly, where Philippe Ballard, a RN deputy, questioned Culture Minister Rachida Dati about the journalist’s suspension. Achilli, a respected editorialist interviewer, had been removed from the Franceinfo airwaves due to his alleged links with Jordan Bardella. Ballard pointed out that other journalists such as Léa Salamé, who has a known private relationship with a political figure, had not faced similar consequences. The minister emphasized that the rules at Radio France regarding collaborations with political figures have been strict since June 2023.

During his intervention in the Assembly, Ballard also mentioned other journalists who have collaborated with political figures, such as Alain Duhamel, Edwy Plenel, and Claude Askolovitch. However, he failed to mention that these collaborations were done with proper contracts and clear disclosure on book covers. Dati reminded Ballard, who was formerly a RN activist and a presenter on LCI, that the rules at Radio France are stringent and require journalists to inform their superiors of any potential collaborations to avoid conflicts of interest.

The controversy surrounding Achilli’s suspension highlights the importance of transparency and ethical journalism, particularly in the realm of political reporting. Journalists are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and collaborations with political figures to maintain the integrity of their work. The incident also raises questions about the balance between journalistic independence and accountability when working for public broadcasting services like Franceinfo.

As the National Assembly debate unfolded, the issue of journalistic integrity and ethical standards in the media industry came under scrutiny. The case of Jean-François Achilli serves as a cautionary tale for journalists about the importance of maintaining transparency and adhering to professional guidelines, especially when reporting on political matters. Moving forward, it is crucial for journalists to uphold ethical standards and ensure that their work is free from any biases or conflicts of interest that could compromise their credibility and the trust of their audience.

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