Jean-Claude Gaudin, a prominent political figure in Marseille, passed away at the age of 84. Known for his long career in politics, Gaudin served as mayor of Marseille for four terms from June 1995 to July 2020. He was also a deputy and senator in Bouches-du-Rhône, as well as the president of the regional council of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and the urban community of Marseille. Gaudin played a significant role in shaping politics in the region for over fifty years.

During his time in office, Gaudin led the right-wing party to dominate local politics, despite facing challenges in his final term as mayor. The collapse of two buildings in Marseille in November 2018, resulting in the deaths of eight people, exposed failures in Gaudin’s municipal policies regarding housing and led to protests against his administration. These events contributed to the left-wing’s victory in the 2020 election in Marseille and the defeat of his chosen successor, Martine Vassal. Gaudin gracefully handed over the mayoral sash to Michèle Rubirola, an ecologist, acknowledging the democratic process of accepting defeat in politics.

Beyond his local influence, Gaudin also had a significant impact on national politics in France. He served as Minister of Urban Development in Alain Juppé’s government from 1995 to 1997 and was a prominent figure in the French right-wing since the mid-1980s. Gaudin had a long career in the Senate, serving for twenty-eight years and reaching the position of first vice-president from 2014 to 2017. Despite his many accomplishments, Gaudin’s only regret was failing to become the president of the Senate, a goal he was not able to achieve during his political career.

Following his retirement from politics, Gaudin maintained a cordial relationship with his successor, Benoît Payan, who succeeded Michèle Rubirola as mayor of Marseille in December 2020. Payan showed respect to Gaudin by inviting him to accompany him during the visit of Pope Francis to Marseille in September 2023, a gesture appreciated by Gaudin. Payan expressed his deep sadness at Gaudin’s passing, acknowledging the legacy and impact Gaudin had on the city of Marseille throughout his career. Gaudin’s presence and influence will be missed by those who knew him, and his contributions to Marseille and French politics will be remembered.

Jean-Claude Gaudin’s death marks the end of an era in Marseille, where he had come to embody the spirit of the city, following in the footsteps of his predecessor Gaston Defferre. Gaudin’s political legacy, marked by his long tenure as mayor and his significant impact on local and national politics in France, will be remembered by those who knew him. His ability to navigate the complex landscape of politics and maintain relationships across party lines demonstrated his dedication to public service and his commitment to the people of Marseille. Gaudin’s passing leaves a void in Marseille, but his contributions will continue to shape the future of the city and its political landscape for years to come.

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