The search for missing teenager Jay Slater has entered its second week, with the 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer last heard from on Monday, June 17 after a night out in Tenerife. Jay’s family and friends are facing heartless online trolls amidst their search for the popular apprentice. Jay called a friend to say he was lost and thirsty with low battery before his phone died. Search efforts involving police, mountain rescue teams, drones, fire service personnel, and sniffer dogs have not yet located Jay, who was last near Rural de Teno Park.

Despite the ongoing search, Jay’s loved ones have been targeted by malicious trolls who have spread false claims and fake updates about his disappearance. Impersonators have posted fake messages suggesting Jay’s body has been found, causing additional distress to his family and friends. Jay’s family has expressed frustration at the spread of false information, which is hindering the search efforts. Jay’s mother Debbie is described as “absolutely broken” by the unfounded claims, adding to the anguish of the family as they await news of his whereabouts.

The real Rachel Louise Harg, who set up the official Facebook group to find Jay, was compelled to address the impersonators spreading false posts about Jay’s fate. One false message attributed to Rachel falsely claimed that Jay’s body had been discovered, leading to significant anguish for the family. Rachel shared a screenshot of the post to clarify that it was not from her and expressed her distress, emphasizing that such misinformation is undermining the search efforts to find Jay. The malicious spread of false information has added to the ordeal Jay’s family and friends are already facing.

The Spanish police continue to work tirelessly to trace Jay, the missing apprentice bricklayer, in hopes of reuniting him with his family safe and sound. Despite the challenges posed by the vicious online trolls spreading misinformation, the search for Jay remains active. Jay’s family and friends are holding out hope for his safe return and are incredibly appreciative of the extensive search efforts and support from various organizations involved in the search. The family remains hopeful for any information that could lead to Jay’s whereabouts and are urging people to refrain from spreading false information during this difficult time.

With Jay’s disappearance extending into its second week, his family and friends are dealing with the anguish of not knowing his whereabouts. The distress of facing trolling and false claims about Jay’s fate online adds to their emotional burden as they await any news of the missing teenager. Despite the heartbreaking situation, the family remains optimistic about Jay’s safe return and continues to appeal for any information that could help locate him. The cruel actions of online trolls have further complicated an already challenging search and underlined the importance of verifying information during such distressing times.

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