Jaume Duch, a seasoned Brussels veteran with 34 years of experience working in EU institutions, has been appointed as the regional minister for the European Union and external policy in the newly sworn-in government of Catalonia. Duch’s appointment was met with approval from European Parliament President Roberta Metsola and Iratxe García Pérez, leader of the S&D group in Parliament. Duch, a Christian democrat and avid supporter of European unity, previously held roles as the European Parliament’s chief spokesperson and director-general for communications. He will be one of 16 ministers in the new Catalan government.

The formation of the new Catalan government came as Salvador Illa, representing the Socialist party of Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, secured the backing of the pro-independence ERC and left-wing Comuns alliance to become president of the region. Despite Illa’s party winning the most seats in snap elections, they did not have enough support to govern independently. This marked the end of over a decade of nationalist and pro-independence leadership in Barcelona. However, Carles Puigdemont’s brief return to Catalonia for an inauguration ceremony raised questions about the Catalan police force’s failure to apprehend the exiled separatist leader, who fled back to Belgium to avoid arrest.

The investiture of Illa as president of Catalonia comes nine months after Spain’s Socialist Party struck a controversial deal with Catalan separatist parties, including Puigdemont’s JxCat party, to help Sánchez stay in power in exchange for amnesty for political leaders involved in the 2017 independence bid. While the Catalan government has limited powers in dealing with the EU, the region’s pro-independence parties have made Catalan language recognition by the EU a priority. Sánchez’s government supported this initiative as part of their efforts to secure support from regionalist parties for his second term in office, although EU backing for the initiative has yet to materialize.

Duch’s appointment as regional minister for the EU and external policy signals a strategic move by the new Catalan government to strengthen its ties with the European Union and boost its international presence. Duch’s extensive experience in EU affairs and communication will be invaluable in navigating Catalonia’s relations with the EU. The new government’s focus on EU affairs is reflective of its efforts to position Catalonia as a key player in European politics and advocate for greater recognition of Catalan identity and language within the EU.

The entrance of Jaume Duch, a respected expert in EU affairs, into the Catalan government represents a significant development in the region’s bid to assert its presence on the European stage. Duch’s track record in EU communication and his pro-European stance align with the government’s goals of enhancing its engagement with EU institutions. The appointment has been met with positive reactions from European leaders, signaling the potential for closer collaboration between Catalonia and the EU in the future. As the region embarks on a new chapter of governance under President Illa, Duch’s expertise and experience will play a crucial role in shaping Catalonia’s relationship with the EU and advancing its external policies.

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