The beloved game show The Weakest Link has made a triumphant return with host Jane Lynch at the helm, featuring a special crossover episode with the cast of Days Of Our Lives. The soap opera stars showcased their trivia knowledge and humor, with Martha Madison emerging as the strongest link and winning $50K for charity. Lynch was impressed by Madison’s performance, describing her as classy, smart, and self-contained. The theatrical nature of the DOOL cast and their willingness to poke fun at themselves added to the entertainment value of the episode.
As an actor herself, Lynch appreciated the dramatics of the soap opera world, having played larger-than-life characters in her own career. She mentioned her character Sue Sylvester from Glee and her recent role on Only Murders In The Building. Lynch teased that her character’s death in Only Murders In The Building will play a significant role in Season 4, set in Los Angeles. Despite being “dead,” Lynch hinted she may still appear in the upcoming season, possibly as a flashback or ghost.
During the episode, Lynch showcased her snarky humor as host, poking fun at the soap opera stars and their characters’ wild story arcs. The DOOL cast members embraced the dramatics and were not afraid to betray each other in their quest to win money for charity. Despite the competitiveness, Lynch noted that the cast had a great time on the show and even went out for drinks together afterward. The camaraderie between the cast members added to the fun and spirit of the game.
Lynch discussed the gameplay on The Weakest Link and praised the strategy of eliminating the strongest link before the final head-to-head matchup. She also defended the civilian contestants on the show, noting that they handle the pressure of rapid-fire questions well. Lynch shared her idea for a crossover episode between The Weakest Link and The Voice, where contestants would have to sing jingles from past decades. She also teased the upcoming season of Only Murders In The Building, promising a mysterious and tricky storyline involving her character’s death.
Overall, The Weakest Link’s crossover episode with the Days Of Our Lives cast was a hit, combining trivia challenges with humor and theatrics. Lynch’s snarky hosting style added to the entertainment value, while the DOOL stars showcased their trivia knowledge and camaraderie. The episode highlighted the competitive yet fun nature of the game show, with the soap opera stars playing for charity and embracing the dramatics of the soap opera world. Lynch’s enthusiasm for the cast and gameplay shone through, making the episode a must-watch for fans of both The Weakest Link and Days Of Our Lives.