Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver shared a story about cooking a surprise dinner for Brad Pitt’s 40th birthday as a gift from Jennifer Aniston. Aniston was a big fan of Oliver’s show, The Naked Chef, and thought it would be a perfect gift for Pitt. Oliver, who was initially skeptical of the call from Aniston, eventually agreed to cook for the couple out of love for them. The dinner took place in 2003 and Oliver has since built a successful cooking empire.

Oliver’s wife, Jools, also talked about the dinner in a 2014 interview, revealing that Aniston’s Friends costar Courteney Cox was also present at the event. Jools shared how awkward she felt socializing with the group while her husband cooked. She mentioned feeling embarrassed and unsure of what to say, especially when Pitt started showing off his abs. Jools took a step back from the situation as it all became overwhelming.

Despite the awkward social interactions during the dinner, Oliver has only positive things to say about both Aniston and Pitt. He mentioned that they are both beautiful people and he has known Pitt for 20 years since the dinner. Oliver also shared that he saw Aniston recently and she was everything one would expect her to be and more. The couple keeps in touch even after all these years.

The dinner for Pitt’s milestone birthday was a memorable experience for Oliver, who usually doesn’t cook for celebrities unless it’s for someone he loves or admires. He had a special connection with Aniston and Pitt, which led him to agree to cook for them. Despite the initial confusion over Aniston’s phone call, the dinner turned out to be a success and remains a special memory for Oliver, his wife, and the celebrity couple.

The story of the surprise dinner for Pitt’s birthday showcases the genuine and heartfelt gestures that can make the perfect gift for a loved one. Aniston’s idea to have Oliver cook for Pitt shows her thoughtful nature and their enduring friendship with Oliver. The dinner, which included Cox and Oliver’s wife Jools, was filled with memorable moments and remains a fond memory for all involved. It is a testament to the power of food and shared experiences in creating lasting memories with loved ones. Oliver’s willingness to cook for Aniston and Pitt out of love and admiration reflects the importance of creating meaningful connections with those we care about.

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