Jacob Hoggard, the former frontman of the band Hedley, has surrendered into custody after Ontario’s top court dismissed his appeal of his sexual assault conviction. Despite his legal team maintaining that his trial was unfair, they respect the court’s decision and are reviewing the judgment to determine their next steps. The appeal court upheld Hoggard’s conviction, finding that his trial should not have heard evidence from a psychologist who testified on the neurobiology of trauma. Hoggard was found guilty of sexual assault causing bodily harm against an Ottawa woman and sentenced to five years behind bars. He had been released on bail pending his appeal, but is now serving his sentence.

Hoggard’s lawyers say they will be reviewing the judgment to decide their next steps in light of the court’s decision. The former Hedley frontman’s trial was deemed unfair by his legal team, but they acknowledge the ruling of the appeal court. Despite the dismissal of his appeal, they will continue to assess their options moving forward. Hoggard’s conviction for sexual assault causing bodily harm against an Ottawa woman stands, and he is now serving his five-year sentence.

The appeal court unanimously upheld Hoggard’s sexual assault conviction, determining that the evidence presented at his trial should not have included testimony from a psychologist on the neurobiology of trauma. Despite this finding, Hoggard’s conviction remains in place and he is now serving his sentence. The former Hedley frontman was released on bail after being found guilty in June 2022, but has surrendered into custody following the dismissal of his appeal. Hoggard’s legal team continues to assess their options following the court’s ruling.

Hoggard, the former lead singer of the band Hedley, was convicted of sexual assault causing bodily harm against an Ottawa woman and sentenced to five years behind bars. His appeal of this conviction was dismissed by Ontario’s top court, and he has now surrendered into custody to serve his sentence. Despite his lawyers’ claim that his trial was unfair, they respect the court’s decision and are reviewing the judgment to determine their next steps. Hoggard’s legal team continues to assess their options in light of the appeal court’s unanimous decision.

Following the dismissal of his appeal, Jacob Hoggard, the former frontman of Hedley, is now serving his sentence of five years for sexual assault causing bodily harm against an Ottawa woman. His legal team surrendered him into custody following Ontario’s top court upholding his conviction. Despite maintaining that Hoggard’s trial was unfair, his lawyers respect the court’s decision and are reviewing the judgment to determine their next steps. Hoggard’s conviction remains in place, and his legal team continues to assess their options moving forward.

Jacob Hoggard’s appeal of his sexual assault conviction has been dismissed by Ontario’s top court, and he is now serving his sentence of five years behind bars. His legal team, while maintaining his trial was unfair, respects the court’s decision and is reviewing the judgment to determine their next steps. The appeal court upheld Hoggard’s conviction despite finding issues with the evidence presented at his trial. Hoggard, the former Hedley frontman, had been released on bail pending the appeal, but has now surrendered into custody to serve his sentence. His lawyers continue to assess their options in light of the court’s ruling.

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