After heavy rainfall in the Ozdere neighborhood of Menderes district, the Ministry shared information about the damage assessment work being carried out by the Provincial Directorate teams in the field. According to the statement, as a result of the damage assessment work carried out by the Provincial Directorate teams in the field following the floods caused by heavy rainfall in the Ozdere neighborhood of Menderes district, damage was detected in 4 buildings due to the collapse of the retaining wall.

A total of 47 buildings were affected by flooding in Cukuralti Neighborhood, 31 in Orta Neighborhood, 2 in Cumhuriyet Neighborhood, 12 in Ahmetbeyli Neighborhood, and 1 in Seferihisar district. The Provincial Directorate teams are continuing their damage assessment work in areas affected by the rainfall.

The Ministry also stated that teams are working to assess the damage caused by the floods and to provide assistance to those affected. Efforts are being made to ensure that the necessary support is provided to the affected individuals and families, as well as to prevent future incidents of this nature from occurring in the region.

The Ministry emphasized the importance of preparation and response mechanisms in dealing with natural disasters and stated that they are closely monitoring the situation in order to provide timely assistance and support to the affected areas. The Provincial Directorate teams are working tirelessly to assess the extent of the damage and to coordinate with local authorities to provide the necessary relief and support to those in need.

The Ministry also called on the public to be vigilant and prepared for extreme weather conditions and to take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their property from potential flooding and other natural disasters. They emphasized the importance of community awareness and cooperation in responding to such emergencies and highlighted the need for collective action in order to minimize the impact of disasters on the local population.

In conclusion, the Ministry assured the public that they are committed to providing support and assistance to those affected by the recent floods in Menderes district and other areas. They reiterated their commitment to working closely with local authorities and relief organizations to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to address the immediate needs of the affected individuals and families and to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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