ITV has recently announced the cancellation of two of its newest comedy programmes, Deep Fake Neighbour and Significant Other, despite each show only having the chance to air one series. Deep Fake Neighbour used deep fake technology to turn impressionists into famous celebrities and involve them in petty neighbour disputes, while Significant Other was a comedy-drama about troubled neighbours who fall in love. The decision to cancel both shows was confirmed by an ITV spokesperson, with no plans for new episodes of Deep Fake Neighbour Wars or a second series of Significant Other. Both programmes, along with other cancelled shows like CITV, Gino’s Cooking Up Love, and The Masked Dancer, were axed as part of a schedule shake-up at the network.
The decision to cancel these shows comes after the network also axed two celebrity-fronted game shows, Sitting On A Fortune and Moneyball, which had only lasted two seasons each. Despite having large jackpots, ITV decided not to renew either show for a third series. Additionally, The Masked Dancer, a spin-off of The Masked Singer hosted by Joel Dommet and featuring celebrities performing dance routines in disguise, was also cancelled after two series. The show, which began airing in 2021, was swapped out of its time slot for the Rugby World Cup, leading to its cancellation in 2023. These cancellations reflect a trend at ITV to make changes to their programming lineup.
While the decision to cancel these shows may disappoint fans and audiences who enjoyed the unique concepts and performances, ITV appears to be focusing on other projects in their comedy season. The network stated that the full series of Deep Fake Neighbour and Significant Other will remain available on ITVX for viewers to enjoy. Although these shows will not be returning for additional series, ITV expressed gratitude to the cast and crew for their work in bringing the shows to the screen. The cancellations of these programmes, along with others like CITV, signal a shift in the network’s programming priorities and a move towards new content and formats that may better align with audience preferences and viewing habits.