The Torre Garisenda in Bologna, Italy is a 12th-century tower that is currently leaning at a four-degree angle and is at risk of collapsing. The tower stands next to a larger structure known as the Asinelli Tower, and together they are known as the two towers of Bologna. The Torre Garisenda is a beloved icon in the city, but it was considered to be at high risk of tumbling down just last year. Due to safety concerns, the tower is currently off-limits to visitors.

In an effort to prevent the collapse of the Torre Garisenda, city officials have launched a $20 million initiative to secure the structure. The plan involves using scaffolding, pylons, and other equipment, similar to what was used to stabilize the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The goal is to run supports across the mid-section of the tower that connect to two pulley systems anchored in the ground. The modifications are expected to take six months to complete.

Bologna mayor Matteo Lepore has stated that the modifications to the tower will help to secure it and prevent any potential collapse in the near future. The mayor also mentioned that there will be further consolidation and restoration work planned for 2025 and 2026 to ensure the long-term stability of the tower. The two towers were originally built in the Middle Ages for both military purposes and as a symbol of prestige for the city.

The Torre Garisenda is a significant historical and cultural landmark in Bologna, and it is important to preserve its integrity for future generations. The city’s tourism board acknowledges the importance of the two towers as part of Bologna’s rich history and is committed to ensuring their safety and preservation. By taking proactive measures to stabilize and secure the tower, officials are working to prevent any potential collapse and maintain the iconic status of the Torre Garisenda for years to come.

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