The President of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia, discussed the topic of differentiated autonomy before an audition at the Commission on Constitutional Affairs. He emphasized that differentiated autonomy is not about secession of the wealthy regions, but rather the application of the principles laid down by the founding fathers of the constitution, while also maintaining national unity. Zaia expressed his hope that the reform would pass quickly in the Chamber after already being approved by the Senate. He stated that it would be up to each region to request to sign the agreement with the State, and that Veneto intends to do so. Zaia invoked Einaudi’s words from 1948, that each region should be given the autonomy it deserves, and he believes that moment has come.

According to Zaia, autonomy is a fundamental pillar for both the League party and the current government coalition. He highlighted that after years of waiting since the 2017 referendum, they can now say that autonomy is not only on par in Parliament but the Lep (Economic and Financial Planning Document) has also been defined. When asked if autonomy should be linked to the reform of the premiership, Zaia explained that they have different origins. He clarified that even if there were no autonomy, he would still support the reform of the premiership. He noted that the premiership would follow a constitutional pathway, while autonomy has already undergone modifications with the Fifth Title in 2001 and is now in its final stages as a law in Parliament.

In response to critics who suggest that only some regions can afford differentiated autonomy, Zaia emphasized the importance of studying the issue thoroughly. He urged people to read the documents and understand that it is not about wealthy regions seeking to separate, but rather about upholding the principles of the constitution while respecting national unity. He reiterated that autonomy is a right that should be granted to each region, in line with Einaudi’s vision from the past. He reiterated his belief that it is time for autonomy to be implemented as the government has finally taken steps to push the legislation forward.

Zaia expressed his optimism about the progress of the autonomy reform, stating that it has already passed in the Senate and he hopes for a speedy approval in the Chamber as well. He highlighted that the government has made significant strides in defining the Lep and ensuring that regions have the opportunity to sign agreements with the State. He stressed the importance of moving forward with the autonomy process, which has been in a state of waiting since the referendum in 2017. He sees autonomy as a crucial aspect of governance, not just for the League party but also for the current government coalition.

In conclusion, Zaia sees autonomy as a key element for regional governance and believes that the time has come for regions to have the right to determine their own level of autonomy. He believes that the autonomy reform is not about dividing the country but rather about respecting the principles of the constitution and ensuring that regions have the necessary tools to govern effectively. He emphasized the need for all regions to have the opportunity to request and sign agreements with the State, in line with the principles laid down by the founding fathers of the constitution. Zaia is hopeful that with the support of the current government, the autonomy reform will soon be finalized and implemented.

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