Israel’s national amputee soccer team is set to participate in the 2024 European Amputee Football Championships in France in June. The team includes two Israeli soldiers who lost limbs during the war in Gaza and other individuals who were injured in the conflict. Ben Binyamin, a professional soccer player who lost his leg in an attack during a music festival, thought his soccer career was over. However, the national amputee soccer team offered him a chance to continue playing, allowing him to feel “normal” again.

The team, with players who have lost limbs in various circumstances, practices twice a week in Tel Aviv. Many of the players sustained injuries during the war with Hamas, which resulted in numerous amputations among both Israeli and Palestinian populations. The conflict has taken a toll on both sides, with injuries ranging from minor to life-altering. Israel’s Defense Ministry reported that over 1,500 soldiers had been wounded during the ground offensive in Gaza, with some of them critically injured. The amputee athletes have benefited from Israel’s advanced medical system, which has extensive experience in treating injuries sustained during wars and conflicts.

In Gaza, Palestinians have also suffered amputations due to war-related injuries, with many lives lost. The conflict has taken a toll on the Gaza health system, with limited resources resulting in difficult decisions such as choosing between amputation and death. Before the conflict, Gaza had a team of amputee soccer players, reflecting the shared experiences of individuals affected by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. Amputee soccer offers a chance for athletes to come together and overcome challenges related to their disabilities, finding inspiration from each other’s stories of resilience.

The founder of Israel’s national amputee soccer team, Zach Shichrur, has been instrumental in providing hope and support to injured individuals, guiding them toward recovery through sports. Shichrur himself was severely injured as a child and understands the challenges faced by those who have lost limbs. The team has been competing internationally, with impressive achievements including a third-place finish in the Nations League in Belgium. The players, some of whom were born with limb differences, have found solace and strength in the team’s camaraderie and shared experiences.

Amputee soccer teams consist of players missing lower limbs playing on crutches, with a goalkeeper missing an upper extremity. The game provides an opportunity for individuals to showcase their skills and compete on an international level, representing Israel with pride and determination. The team’s success has brought them recognition and admiration, inspiring others facing similar challenges to pursue their dreams despite physical limitations. Through competitive sports, the healing powers of sport and the excitement of competition provide valuable support and encouragement to the players, promoting their physical and emotional well-being. The legacy of individuals like Sir Ludwig Guttmann, who pioneered competitive sports as a form of rehabilitation, continues to impact the lives of disabled athletes worldwide, offering hope and inspiration to those facing adversity.

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