Egypt is set to deliver Israel’s latest proposal for the Philadelphi corridor to Hamas as efforts to secure a ceasefire deal in Gaza continue. The new Israeli proposal includes a map of where troops would be deployed along the strategic corridor bordering Egypt, reducing the number of troops and military posts compared to previous positions. Egyptian negotiators had rejected the previous map and now plan to deliver the revised version to Hamas for consideration.

The Philadelphi corridor is a 14-kilometer strip of land in southern Gaza along the border with Egypt that is currently controlled by the IDF. The deployment of Israeli troops along this corridor has been a major point of contention between Israel and Hamas, with Israel wanting to maintain control while Hamas demands withdrawal of troops from the area. The new proposal aims to address these differing priorities and find a compromise that both parties can agree on.

Hamas’ response to the new proposal will be crucial in determining whether negotiators from both sides will attend an expected summit in Cairo on Sunday. If negotiations proceed, each party’s delegation will occupy a separate room while Egyptian and Qatari mediators shuttle between them. The outcome of these negotiations will likely hinge on finding common ground on the deployment of troops along the Philadelphi corridor.

The new proposal was the result of a meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his team, where they agreed to reduce troop levels in response to pressure from US President Joe Biden. Biden urged Netanyahu to show more flexibility on the Philadelphi corridor, signaling a shift in approach from Israel. The willingness to adjust troop levels indicates a willingness to negotiate and find a solution that can bring an end to the conflict in Gaza.

The potential summit in Cairo represents a critical opportunity for Israel and Hamas to engage in substantive negotiations and work towards a ceasefire agreement. The involvement of Egyptian and Qatari mediators adds further credibility to the process and can help bridge the gap between the two parties. Ultimately, reaching a compromise on the deployment of troops along the Philadelphi corridor will be key to securing a lasting ceasefire and preventing further escalation of violence in the region.

Overall, the latest developments in the negotiations between Israel and Hamas suggest a willingness on both sides to engage in constructive dialogue and find a solution to the conflict in Gaza. The revised Israeli proposal for the Philadelphi corridor reflects a more flexible approach and shows a shift in strategy aimed at reaching a compromise. The upcoming summit in Cairo will be a critical moment in determining the future of the ceasefire negotiations and the prospects for peace in the region.

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