White Collar, a hit USA Network show that ran for six seasons from 2009 to 2014, has been added to Netflix. The show follows Neal Caffrey, a charming con artist who becomes a consultant for FBI Agent Peter Burke as they work together to take down white collar criminals. Like Suits, another popular USA Network show, White Collar has a crime of the week format with some overarching stories involving the main characters. The show’s appeal lies not only in its intriguing cases but also in its well-developed characters.

Suits, which joined Netflix in July, set several viewing records, becoming the most streamed show of 2023 and setting a record for the biggest week for an acquired series. The show’s success has led to various reunions of the cast for commercials and the development of a spinoff, Suits: LA. On the other hand, the White Collar cast is also eager to reunite and potentially create a spinoff. Matt Bomer, who played Neal Caffrey, revealed that there have been discussions about a reunion project, with creator Jeff Eastin finding a way to honor the late Willie Garson, who passed away in 2021.

Bomer expressed his loyalty to the show and his fond memories of working on it, stating that it was a dream come true experience for him. The possibility of a reunion project for White Collar has sparked excitement among fans who are eager to see the cast back together. The show’s arrival on Netflix has provided viewers with the opportunity to revisit all six seasons of White Collar and relive the adventures of Neal Caffrey and Peter Burke.

Both Suits and White Collar were part of USA Network’s “Blue Sky” era, featuring procedurals with well-developed main characters. While Suits had the Meghan Markle factor as one of its draws, White Collar boasts a cast of familiar supporting stars from nostalgic fan-favorite series such as Sex and the City, One Tree Hill, and Saved by the Bell. The success of Suits on Netflix has paved the way for White Collar to potentially become the next big hit on the streaming platform, with viewers already showing interest in the show.

The format of White Collar, with its mix of standalone episodes and serialized storylines, keeps viewers engaged and invested in the characters’ journeys. Peter Burke’s dedication to his job and Neal Caffrey’s constant struggle between lawfulness and criminality add depth to the show, making it more than just a typical procedural. As fans eagerly await news of a potential White Collar reunion or spinoff, the show’s arrival on Netflix has reignited interest in the series and may lead to record-breaking viewing numbers for the streaming platform.

The chemistry between the lead actors, Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay, played a significant role in the success of White Collar, with their dynamic partnership keeping viewers entertained throughout the show’s run. The possibility of a reunion that pays tribute to the late Willie Garson while bringing back fan-favorite characters has generated excitement and anticipation among fans of the show. As White Collar makes its debut on Netflix, viewers have the opportunity to rediscover the charm and charisma of Neal Caffrey and Peter Burke, setting the stage for a potential revival of the beloved series.

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