A plane passenger was criticized for being “incredibly rude” when he refused to give up an empty seat for a woman trying to escape a crying baby on a flight from Dublin to Washington, D.C. Initially, the man and his wife were assigned a window and middle seat but the man moved to the aisle seat when no one came to claim it. The situation escalated when a woman demanded that her friend sit in the middle seat between the couple to avoid the crying baby.

The man called over a flight attendant for assistance, who explained that the woman needed to take an available aisle seat without disrupting anyone’s seating arrangements. Despite this, the woman continued to complain about the man not being entitled to the aisle seat. After a confrontation, the woman decided not to sit in the middle seat, calling the man an expletive and accusing him of being “incredibly rude” for not giving up the seat.

Debate ensued on Reddit about whether the man was in the wrong for refusing to give up the empty seat. Some thought he was entitled, while others believed the demanding passenger was out of line. Travel expert Nicole Campoy Jackson advised that getting a flight attendant involved in such situations is the right move, as they have more context and can offer solutions. She noted that while the man wasn’t entitled to the unoccupied aisle seat, neither was the other passenger entitled to move mid-flight due to an inconvenience.

Jackson suggested that a polite approach and explanation would have led to a better resolution for both parties. She stressed the importance of flexibility, understanding, and kindness among fellow passengers. Ultimately, she emphasized that switching seats should take into account airline rules, safety, and what has been paid for. In this case, a respectful conversation could have prevented the conflict and led to a more peaceful resolution for everyone involved.

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