Nutter Butter has been gaining attention on TikTok with their unique and strange social media strategy that has gone viral. Users have been commenting on the account, expressing confusion and amusement at the bizarre content being posted. The company has doubled its following on the platform since September, thanks to the unusual videos that have captured the attention of millions of viewers. The team behind the content includes Zach Poczekaj from Dentsu Creative, Caitlin Bolmarcich, the brand manager for Nutter Butter, and Kelly Amatangelo from Mondelez.

The content being posted on Nutter Butter’s TikTok account is intentionally weird and unconventional in order to stand out from other brand accounts and engage their audience. The team aims to create a sense of mystery and intrigue around their posts, which encourages followers to come up with their own theories and interpretations of the videos. The success of this strategy is evident in the millions of views and engagement that the videos receive, as users try to piece together the storyline and understand the narrative behind the bizarre content.

While it is difficult to measure the direct impact of the increased followers on sales, there has been a noticeable uptick in comments from users indicating that they have purchased Nutter Butter products after engaging with the TikTok account. The content strategy has also helped the brand appeal to a wider demographic, including Gen Z, Millennial, and Gen X audiences. By using humor and unconventional content, Nutter Butter has been able to increase engagement and stay top of mind with consumers.

The team at Nutter Butter emphasizes that their social media content is not purely marketing-related but is also intended to entertain and engage their audience. By straying from the traditional approach taken by many brands on social media, Nutter Butter has been able to create a unique and memorable presence that resonates with their followers. The team acknowledges the importance of taking risks with content in order to stay relevant and interesting to consumers, especially as a well-established brand in the market.

Looking ahead, the team at Nutter Butter plans to continue evolving their content strategy to keep their audience entertained and engaged. They are committed to listening to their followers and adapting their content to meet their preferences and expectations. Despite the current viral success of their TikTok account, the team remains focused on creating content that is entertaining and memorable, ultimately keeping the brand top of mind for consumers.

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