Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris spoke in an exclusive interview with Euronews about the Israel-Hamas conflict and Ireland’s decision to recognize Palestine as a state. He criticized Europe for not doing enough to stop the violence in Gaza, urging individuals to consider what they are doing to help end the suffering of children in the region. Harris defended Ireland’s move to recognize Palestine, emphasizing the need to breathe life into the two-state solution that has been threatened in recent years.

Harris expressed concern over the lack of commitment from the Netanyahu government to deliver a two-state solution, pointing out efforts to undermine hope for peace. He stressed the importance of international law and human rights in addressing the conflict, stating that the situation in Gaza is unconscionable. The Prime Minister called for Europe and the United States to apply pressure to achieve an immediate ceasefire and create an environment conducive to peace.

Ireland and Spain requested the EU to review whether Israel is violating the human rights clause in the EU-Israel Association Agreement. Harris criticized the EU for not taking action and highlighted the need for more meaningful efforts to address human rights violations in the region. He called out the lack of a cohesive EU position on the issue and emphasized the importance of upholding international law and human rights in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Despite criticism from the Israeli government over the recognition of Palestine, Harris defended his decision and emphasized the need for a political peace process that recognizes both Israeli and Palestinian rights. He acknowledged the importance of ensuring Israel’s security but criticized the current situation as unsustainable and detrimental to achieving lasting peace. Harris called for a renewed commitment to the two-state solution and expressed hope for progress towards peace in the midst of the ongoing conflict.

The Prime Minister condemned the brutal terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas but also called for an end to Israel’s assault on Gaza, stating that the current violence does not guarantee Israel’s security. He urged both sides to engage in a political peace process and work towards a lasting solution that respects the rights and dignity of both Israelis and Palestinians. Harris emphasized the need for a shift towards peace in the region and expressed optimism for the future despite the challenges and tragedies that have plagued the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Simon Harris’s interview with Euronews shed light on the urgency of finding a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Hamas conflict. He emphasized the importance of upholding international law, human rights, and the two-state solution to end the suffering of civilians in Gaza. Harris called for Europe and the United States to take decisive actions to pressure both sides towards a ceasefire and meaningful peace negotiations. Despite criticism and challenges, the Prime Minister remained hopeful for a future where Israelis and Palestinians can coexist in peace and security.

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