Giovanni Acampora, president of Assonautica Italiana, expressed gratitude towards the Italian government for placing a focus on strategic sectors such as the Blue Economy in the national interest. He emphasized the importance of investing in digital infrastructure to enable a more efficient and modern public administration, meeting the demands of businesses and ensuring that Italy remains at the forefront of innovation. Acampora highlighted the need for the government to work on defining a legislative framework for the Blue Economy, known as the ‘Collegato sul Mare’, in order to support and promote growth in this sector.

One of the main proposals put forward by Acampora is the creation of a national Single Administrative Desk for the Blue Economy, aimed at simplifying and streamlining processes for businesses through the use of digital systems. He stressed the need for a collaborative effort to adapt to the significant changes taking place within the sector, emphasizing the importance of securing strategic supply chains and positioning Italy as a leader in both Europe and the Mediterranean region. This unified approach is seen as crucial in order to drive growth and innovation in the Blue Economy.

The focus on digitalization and simplification within the Blue Economy is seen as essential to driving progress and ensuring the sector remains competitive on a global scale. By streamlining administrative processes and leveraging new digital technologies, businesses can operate more efficiently and effectively, ultimately contributing to the growth and development of the sector as a whole. The proposal for a national Single Administrative Desk reflects a commitment to promoting collaboration and unity within the industry, with the aim of fostering innovation and achieving a leading position in the European and Mediterranean markets.

Acampora’s call for the government to prioritize the security and growth of strategic supply chains in the Blue Economy underscores the importance of taking a proactive approach to nurturing and supporting key sectors of the Italian economy. By investing in infrastructure and implementing digital solutions, Italy can position itself as a leader in innovation and sustainability within the Blue Economy. The proposed ‘Collegato sul Mare’ legislation represents a key opportunity for the government to provide a framework that supports and encourages growth and development in this critical sector, in line with the broader national interest.

In conclusion, Giovanni Acampora’s remarks at the 3rd National Summit on the Blue Economy highlight the importance of digitalization, simplification, and collaboration within the sector in order to drive growth and innovation in the Italian economy. By focusing on strategic sectors such as the Blue Economy and investing in digital infrastructure, Italy can position itself as a leader in the European and Mediterranean markets, driving progress and prosperity for businesses and the country as a whole. Through a unified and collaborative approach, Italy can leverage its strengths and resources to create a competitive advantage and achieve success in the dynamic and evolving global economy.

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