According to the statement made by the prosecutor’s office, 16 suspects who were found to be involved in the current financial structure of the FETÖ organization were decided to be detained based on the statements of suspects who expressed effective remorse, digital material analysis, technical and physical tracking, statements taken so far, and photo identification.
The operations for the capture of the suspects in 4 provinces centered in Ankara are continued by Ankara Provincial Gendarmerie Command TEM Branch Directorate teams.

FETÖ, which is accused of orchestrating the failed coup attempt in Turkey in 2016, has been under scrutiny by Turkish authorities for its financial network. The suspects who have been detained are believed to be connected to this network.
The investigation into the financial structure of FETÖ is ongoing as authorities aim to dismantle the organization and hold those responsible for the failed coup attempt accountable.

FETÖ, which stands for Fethullahist Terrorist Organization, is a network led by Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish cleric living in exile in the United States. The organization has been designated as a terrorist group by the Turkish government and is accused of attempting to overthrow the government.
The authorities urge anyone with information regarding FETÖ or its activities to come forward and assist in the investigation to prevent further harm to the country and its citizens.

The Turkish government has been cracking down on FETÖ and its supporters since the failed coup attempt in 2016. Thousands of individuals have been arrested or detained for their alleged links to the organization, and the government continues to work towards eradicating the network from the country.
The recent arrests of the 16 suspects suspected of being involved in the financial structure of FETÖ is a part of the ongoing efforts by the Turkish authorities to dismantle the organization and bring those responsible to justice.

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