The political climate in the country is not expected to improve with the arrival of spring or the change in daylight saving time. In fact, indications point towards a likely deterioration in the next 70 days, during which three campaigns and three elections will be resolved. An unprecedented institutional clash between Congress and the Senate is looming over the controversial amnesty law, as well as heated debates between spokespersons of the PSOE and PP in various investigations into alleged corruption scandals related to the purchase of masks during the COVID-19 crisis. This includes the formation of a Senate investigation commission by the PP focused on the Koldo case, aiming to extend suspicion to the entire PSOE and especially President Pedro Sánchez and his wife. The tensions are expected to escalate further after the Easter truce.

The PP is clear about its intentions to target President Sánchez and his family in the upcoming elections, with plans to investigate various government officials’ roles in the acquisition of sanitary materials during the pandemic. The party is also preparing a documentary titled “La trama” to showcase their accusations against the government. The focus will be on exposing any misuse of power or personal enrichment by officials, not just limited to Koldo García or former minister José Luis Ábalos. The investigations are expected to reach all departments of the central government involved in any transactions with Koldo García, further widening the scope of the inquiries.

Both the PP and PSOE are preparing their strategies for the upcoming investigations and political confrontations, eyeing opportunities to score political points against each other. The commissions will likely target government officials at various levels, including the president’s wife and ministers from both parties. The PSOE is also seeking to unveil any irregularities in the contracting process in the Community of Madrid and Ayuso’s administration, while acknowledging similar situations in other regions. The investigations are set to commence in the next 70 days, coinciding with three election campaigns and crucial electoral events in Spain.

The ongoing political and judicial processes related to the amnesty law continue to stir tensions between the PP and the government. The PP, leveraging their majority in the Senate, is pushing for further discussions on the law’s disparities among regions, potentially leading to a clash between the two chambers and even a constitutional challenge. The recent reports by Senate lawyers critical of the law have emboldened the PP’s stance against the government’s actions, further escalating the political conflict between the two parties.

The upcoming sessions in the Senate, including the control of the government and the reprimand of Minister Félix Bolaños, are expected to be contentious, with debates on corruption and the amnesty law at the center. The PP is accusing Bolaños of undermining the Senate’s authority and handling the amnesty law in a fraudulent manner. The party has also called for Bolaños to explain his alleged interference in the Koldo case and the precarious situation of the State Attorney General. The escalating tensions and conflicts between the PP and PSOE are setting the stage for a turbulent political landscape in the country in the coming months.

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