Anne Lackey, the co-founder of HireSmart Virtual Employees, is a strong advocate for investing in the development of tomorrow’s workforce. She believes that many business leaders are not actively investing in their communities to address the issue of worker shortages. Lackey highlights the importance of starting early by supporting youth and helping them turn their passions into viable careers. She shares the success story of Olivia, a Georgia teen who started a thriving soap-making business with the help of a grant focused on workforce development.
To actively invest in local workforce development, Lackey suggests partnering with schools on career exploration programs, providing work-based learning opportunities such as internships and apprenticeships, supporting youth entrepreneurship programs, offering scholarships and grants to students, advocating for work-based skills in school curriculum, and participating in career signing days. She emphasizes the role that business leaders can play in shaping the future talent pool by actively investing in the development of young individuals in their communities.
By offering hands-on experience and exposure to real-world careers, students can make informed decisions about their future and build their resumes before even graduating. Lackey believes that instilling an entrepreneurial mindset early will benefit future economic development and potentially lead to discovering future business partners. She stresses the importance of financial support for students interested in specific industries and the need for practical, work-based skills in school curriculums to better align with the needs of the local business community.
Lackey encourages business leaders to be proactive in investing their time, resources, and expertise in growing the next generation. She emphasizes the long-term benefits of developing a homegrown workforce, not only securing a talent pipeline but also uplifting the entire community through local investment, skill development, and economic prosperity. Lackey urges business leaders to consider how they can enhance their commitment to workforce development in their community, helping to nurture the potential of young leaders like Olivia and building a brighter future for all.