Incumbent Congressman Bob Good is facing a tough battle to retain his seat in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District and his leadership of the conservative House Freedom Caucus. His opponent in the GOP primary, state Sen. John McGuire, has the backing of establishment Republicans who are funding a campaign to remove Good from office. Former President Donald Trump has also withdrawn his support from Good, endorsing McGuire instead. Trump has criticized Good on social media, calling him “BAD FOR VIRGINIA, AND BAD FOR THE USA” and warned voters that Good will betray them.

Good, however, still considers Trump the best president of his lifetime and attributed his endorsement of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to wanting a candidate who could serve two terms, as Trump is limited to one more term by the Constitution. Good has retaliated against McGuire, accusing him of being a “never Trumper” and a perpetual candidate always seeking his next political opportunity. McGuire has a history of running for various political positions, including the state Senate and House of Delegates, and has now set his sights on Good’s congressional seat.

The race between Good and McGuire has divided the far-right Freedom Caucus, with Good receiving support from Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz and McGuire being endorsed by Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. At a recent rally in Charlottesville, McGuire and Greene were met with protests from residents who displayed signs and chanted slogans expressing their disapproval of the candidates. Despite the chaos, McGuire remained upbeat and characterized the situation as an expression of freedom.

Supporters of McGuire at the rally expressed their disappointment with Good, accusing him of betrayal and backstabbing for endorsing DeSantis over Trump in the past. The race has highlighted the dynamics within the Republican Party, with Good alienating mainstream Republicans by his involvement in the ousting of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and losing Trump supporters by first endorsing DeSantis. Political observers believe the race exemplifies the current state of the Republican Party and the shifting alliances within it.

Good believes that the massive ad campaigns against him are the reason the race is close, as voters seem unconcerned about his involvement in McCarthy’s removal. Good accuses McCarthy of seeking revenge against him and views himself as a target in the former Speaker’s revenge tour. The race has underscored the tension and division within the Republican Party, with Good and McGuire representing different factions and ideological perspectives. Despite the challenges he faces, Good remains optimistic about his chances in the primary and his ability to retain his seat in Congress.

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