The final witness testimony and closing arguments in former President Donald Trump’s New York hush money criminal trial coincided with a holiday weekend, providing an opportunity to reflect on the proceedings. CNN reporters, including Kara Scannell, Lauren del Valle, and Jeremy Herb, covered all 20 days of the trial in person and through a live update feed. Trump, who also faced civil fraud and defamation lawsuits during this time, was observed in various emotional states in the courtroom, with this being the first trial where he had to be present throughout.

The reporters discussed their experience of covering the trial in real-time through a new method of providing constant updates on the proceedings to keep readers and viewers informed. They worked to capture both the words spoken by attorneys and witnesses as well as the reactions of individuals in the courtroom, particularly Trump. Descriptive language was used to convey the events as accurately as possible, although certain nuances such as the tone of conversations and the thoughts of the jury were challenging to capture.

The reporters utilized different vantage points in the courtroom and an overflow room to get a comprehensive view of the proceedings. Special attention was paid to Trump’s reactions and interactions with witnesses, highlighting moments such as Stormy Daniels’ vivid testimony and Michael Cohen’s cross-examination. The dynamics within the courtroom, including the judge clearing the room during a witness confrontation, added to the drama of the trial.

The interactions between Trump and individuals who testified for the prosecution, such as David Pecker and Hope Hicks, revealed underlying tensions and emotions. Pecker, a longtime friend of Trump, conveyed positive sentiments towards the former president despite their lack of communication in recent years. Hicks, on the other hand, displayed nervousness and emotion during her testimony, particularly in anticipation of how she would be treated by Trump’s side. It was evident that Trump was closely watching these interactions, possibly indicating a potential reconciliation in the future.

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