Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was scheduled to travel to out west when a container ship collided with Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing it to collapse. He immediately began working to marshal federal resources for a search and rescue operation and eventual rebuild. President Joe Biden also became involved, ensuring that all necessary resources were being brought to bear and reaching out to state and local leaders directly to expedite the response. Biden visited Baltimore to tour the collapse site, meet with loved ones of the deceased, and deliver a speech in support of recovery efforts.

Biden publicly pledged to cover the entire cost of the rebuild as the Coast Guard set up a unified command for salvage operations. The government quickly approved $60 million in funding for the first phase of recovery, with more funds available as needed. This assurance of federal financial assistance was a relief to local officials, who estimated the project would require billions of dollars over multiple years. The government’s response has evolved from triage to periodic check-ins, with federal and local officials now speaking daily to coordinate ongoing efforts.

Natalie Quillian leads daily calls among agencies and officials involved in the response efforts to discuss progress made and plan for the future. Political personalities involved, including Buttigieg, Moore, Perez, and Biden, have set aside their egos and party affiliations to work together in the wake of the tragedy. Despite potential presidential aspirations for Buttigieg and Moore, all involved are focused on governing and helping those affected by the collapse. Relationships and shared policy agendas among officials have facilitated cooperation during the recovery process.

As recovery efforts continue, federal and local officials are working together to provide support to the families of the victims and address long-term needs beyond the immediate salvage phase. Processes to help families seek closure through immigration services are underway, with a focus on creating a sustainable response plan for the future. The dedication of federal officials, including Buttigieg and Moore, to coordinating the response efforts and providing ongoing support has been crucial in ensuring an effective and compassionate recovery process for all those affected by the collapse.

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